Web Directions Global Scope 2022 All about JavaScript the language

Session Details

Valeri Karpov

Promises and Async/Await From the Ground Up

Valeri Karpov Founder & CEO MeanIT

We all know promises and async/await are the official ways to write async code in JavaScript. But working with promises and async functions can be tricky. In this talk, I'll walk through promises and async/await from base principles, with an emphasis on effective mental models on topics ranging from "how do promises work?" to "does a given package support promises?

Valeri Karpov

Valeri Karpov has been the maintainer of Mongoose, the most popular ODM for Node.js and MongoDB, since 2014. His dev shop, MeanIT Software, works on Mongoose and Mastering JS.

Don't miss your chance to see Valeri Karpov and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.

Tickets start at $195.

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a conference all about JavaScript the language

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