Web Directions Global Scope 2022 All about JavaScript the language

Session Details

Ujjwal Sharma

Multicore JS: Past, Present and Future

Ujjwal Sharma Compilers Hacker Igalia

As JavaScript applications get more and more complex, improved performance is on everyone's minds. In the meantime, computers are evolving: CPU hardware is scaling with multi-core, big.LITTLE rather than frequency.

Where does JavaScript stand in this new world and how can it adapt? What role will WebAssembly play in this? What are the current tools and techniques developers can use to develop performant JavaScript applications and what is in store for the future? These are the few questions that we will answer in the course of this presentation.

Ujjwal Sharma

Ujjwal is a Compilers Hacker at Igalia serving as a co-chair of TC39 and co-editor of ECMA-402, a Node.js Core Collaborator, a TC39 Delegate and an International Speaker. He loves to talk about open source software, decentralization, cryptography, JavaScript and web standards.

Don't miss your chance to see Ujjwal Sharma and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.

Tickets start at $195.

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a conference all about JavaScript the language

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