Some who have been present on the web a little whilst might still remember one of the preeminent debugging tools: FireBug. For all its features and early praise, its author Joe Hewitt initially created it for 2 reasons: to observe what was happening on a page, pre and post resource load. Two simple metrics.
A decade and change later, measuring resource loading and page performance is in equal parts proof and perception. The multitude of metrics available has allowed for granular measurements, but has also clearly created confusion.
During 'The Metric System', we will learn about many of the performance metrics being bandied around like FCP, FMP, TTFB and Speed Index to name a few. But more importantly, we will see how to interpret this data, when to use it in order to extract the information our individual users need for the best user experience possible.
Henri Helvetica
Henri is a freelance developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering and pinches of user experience. When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies, or indiscriminately auditing sites in devtools, Henri can be found contributing back to the community: Toronto Web Performance Group meetup + SPOTLIGHT: PERFORMANCE co-organizer, curating performance content or volunteering his time for lunch and learns at various bootcamps.
Additionally, you can find him frequenting conferences, and touching base w/ the community - all with a radiant smile. Otherwise, he’s focusing on running the fastest 5k possible (surprise surprise).