Rethinking state management in React
Keerthana Krishnan Software Engineer Yamdu
Keerthana K is a software engineer based in Munich, Germany. She has 5+ years of experience, mainly as a front-end web developer. She's also an experienced technical speaker who has previously presented at events like JS Conf Asia
Rethinking state management in React
Redux is one of the core pieces of the React development ecosystem. But just because it's a standard doesn't mean it's the right fit for every occasion. In this talk, the speaker tells us why her company is moving away from Redux as a tool for state management and what are other strategies they use for the same.
In this talk, the user talks about the disadvantages of Redux and some cases in which it's not a good fit for the state management of a React project. Depending on the use case, alternatives for Redux include the useState hook, React Query to handle data fetching, and React Contexts to share data that are required by many components within an application. Each of these is explained with examples.
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