Web Directions Code 2020 The conference for JS developers and front-end engineers

Session Details

Ahmad Shadeed

Debugging CSS

Ahmad Shadeed UX Designer • Front End Developer

Practices and techniques for debugging traditional programming languages, like C or JavaScript, have developed and matured over the last half century or more.

But CSS, as any developer who's even moderately familiar with the language will know, is very different from such languages.

Even spotting, let alone tracking down the cause of incorrectly styled content can be maddening. And managing the interaction of potentially numerous rules spread throughout a style sheet, or across multiple style sheets, or the cascade and inheritance of a property and its impact on an element's style causes frustration even for very experienced CSS developers.

In this presentation designer and developer Ahmad Shadeed asks why hasn't a systematic body of debugging practice emerged for CSS? And what might that look like?

Ahmad Shadeed

Ahmad Shadeed is a Digital Product Designer and Front-End Developer from Palestine. He enjoy working on large scale Product Design and Front End Projects which involves solving complex design problems. He writes extensively on CSS, Accessibility and RTL (right to left) text styling.

Don't miss your chance to see Ahmad Shadeed and many other inspiring speakers at Code 2020.

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