Web Directions Code 2020 The conference for JS developers and front-end engineers

Session Details

Marcos Caceres

The Web in the age of Surveillance Capitalism

Marcos Caceres Standards Engineer Mozilla

Although early web standards forewarned of the privacy risk of technologies like cookies, they never envisioned that the Web Platform would be coopted for global-scale mass surveillance. In response, browser vendors have been working together to clamp down on the most egregious privacy abuses.

In this talk, Marcos will discuss breaking changes and new APIs that will help make the web platform more private and secure, and what these changes will mean for you as a developer and user going forward.

Marcos Caceres

Marcos is part of Firefox's Critical Programs Team where Firefox, where he spends his time editing PWA-related W3C specifications, hacking on Firefox, and chairing the W3C's Web Applications Working Group and Web Incubator Community Group. Marcos has been developing for the Web since 1996.

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