Web Directions Code 2018

Session Details

Xavier Ho

Programming Generative Art

Xavier Ho Software Crafter Data61

Programming generative art, also known as creative coding, is often a trial-and-error process, combining creativity and logic to present something aesthetic. However, creative coding has a high barrier to entry due to the breadth of knowledge and coding skills required. This talk aims to lower that barrier for you to take home and practice creative coding.

In this talk, you will learn about algorithms and techniques for generative art using Javascript. First, shepherding random numbers to simulate the universality of nature patterns that appear in plants, rocks, sand, and smoke. Next, using L-system formal grammar to create a seemingly infinite, but well-structured, series of graphics. Lastly, integrating your creativity to be used in your own projects.

For you to get the most out of this talk, you should be comfortable working with Javascript. Although I will introduce some theory, background in mathematics and formal theory is not required to attend.

Xavier Ho

Xavier's focuses on high-impact, real-time data visualisation, data-driven engineering, and design at CSIRO Data61. His recent work on CSIRO's TraNSIT was recommended by the Office of Northern Australia. In his spare time, he fiddles with generative art, code, and a bit of interactive installations. He dreams to be able to print chocolate directly in the oven one day with code.

Don't miss your chance to see Xavier Ho and many other inspiring speakers at Design 18.

Tickets start at $1295, for two in-depth days with the world's leading design experts.

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