Vidhika Bansal

Vidhika Bansal Group Design Manager Intuit

Growth Hacking with Heart: Applying Behavioural Science Ethically for More Impact

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Growth Hacking with Heart: Applying Behavioural Science Ethically for More Impact

Nearly all content — whether on a screen or in real life, for consumers or an enterprise audience, for marketing purposes or in a product flow — serves to do one thing: to influence people's behavior.

How do you get more people to take a chance on your offering or click on that CTA? How might you help them move confidently through an experience? How can you increase the odds of them coming back again for more?

In this talk, we’ll take a trip into the wonderful world of behavioral science for some answers.

Vidhika Bansal

Vidhika is a Group Design Manager at Intuit, where she leads teams of talented content designers and researchers building QuickBooks. She has a background in behavioral science and cares deeply about designing for real life.

In her past (more like parallel) lives as a consultant and coach, she’s helped shape product and marketing strategies for a wide range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies to stealth startups. She’s also a frequent speaker and advisor for in-house teams and conferences worldwide.

Vidhika is convinced that words are magic and that stories — including the ones we tell ourselves! — can change the world. She feels strongly about empathetic leadership, ethical tech, and the power of human connection. She also really likes pasta.

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