Justin Farrell

Justin Farrell Lead Product Manager VMware Tanzu Labs

Scale Your Product Career with Mentoring

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Scale Your Product Career with Mentoring

In the fast-paced world of product, mentoring has been the key to unlocking my personal growth and fueling my career. But it’s not always easy to get right. That's because while finding a good mentor is hard, being a good mentor is even harder.

In this talk I’ll share effective ways to conquer the challenges of both finding and being a great mentor, through stories and hard lessons I’ve learned along the way.

You'll leave armed with practical strategies and actionable tips to establish and nurture successful mentoring relationships. Plus, I'll equip you with a handy tool you can put into action right away, ensuring you waste no time in reaping the benefits.

Justin Farrell

Justin's product career began 10 years ago when he was looking for a way to bridge his love of technology with his passion to create positive mental health outcomes for young people.

Since then he has led and coached product teams across the NGO, private and public sectors to create impact for both themselves and their users.

Justin is also a self-confessed product nerd and co-founded Product Book Club in 2017 with his valuable peer mentor Ivy.

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