Follow me, I know what I'm doing... I think
You lead a team. In your business, you're an acknowledged expert in your domain. You're kicking goals. You've got this.
Then, suddenly, the leader of your wider function departs. Now, it’s your job to step into their shoes. Overnight, your team has quadrupled in size. You find yourself at the helm of an extensive hierarchy, with direct reports who themselves have direct reports, and so on. You’ve transitioned from a practice manager to an enterprise leader. Colleagues across the business expect you to have all the answers. Also, you're now responsible for a significant chunk of the company's sales—10%, to be precise.
At the team's all-hands meeting, all eyes are on you, waiting for words of wisdom. Are you ready?
I wasn’t. Despite over a decade of leadership experience, I found myself unprepared for such a drastic change. My aim in this talk is to prepare you for what might be the most significant career transition you’ll ever face: moving from expertise leader to general management.
Andrew Fisher
Andrew Fisher is a senior technology and business executive with 25+ years engineering and digital strategy experience and over a decade serving businesses in technology oriented leadership functions within senior management. Working both client-side and consultancy in global and regional organisations throughout Asia, Australia, Europe & US.
He's a regular commentator in media on the topics of Data, Physical Computing, Mobile & IoT technologies.