Web Directions hover 2021 The conference CSS deserves

Session Details

Mark Dalgleish

The State of CSS-in-JS

Mark Dalgleish Front End Lead SEEK

It’s been six years since Christopher Chedeau’s seminal yet infamous talk on CSS-in-JS. The community has come a long way since then but the experimentation hasn’t stopped. In this talk we’ll look at the current state of CSS-in-JS and examine the trends that are driving the space forwards.

Mark Dalgleish

Mark Dalgleish is the co-creator of CSS Modules, lead organiser of MelbJS, creator of Playroom and Braid Design System, and front end lead at SEEK.

Don't miss your chance to see Mark Dalgleish and many other inspiring speakers at the very first Hover conference.

Tickets start at just $145, for two in-depth days with the world's leading CSS experts.

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The Conference CSS deserves

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