Web Directions hover 2021 The conference CSS deserves

Session Details

Ahmad Shadeed

CSS Comparison Functions

Ahmad Shadeed UX Designer, Front-end Developer Uxable

In this talk, Ahmad will dive into the details of CSS comparison functions by explaining how they work, where and why to use them. More importantly, he will explain how you can use them today with a proper fallback for non-supporting browsers.

Ahmad Shadeed

Ahmad Shadeed is a UX designer and front-end developer from Palestine. He enjoys working on challenging design and front-end development projects. He wrote a book on debugging CSS, writes extensively on CSS, Accessibility, and RTL (right to left) text styling.

Don't miss your chance to see Ahmad Shadeed and many other inspiring speakers at the very first Hover conference.

Tickets start at just $145, for two in-depth days with the world's leading CSS experts.

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The Conference CSS deserves

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