July 22nd
- 11am Sydney
- 10am London
- 1pm New York
JavaScript Surprises
Nishu Goel, Web Engineer epilot GmbH
The speed and consistency at which the JavaScript language has evolved over the past years is tremendous. While in the past it was used primarily on the client side, it has taken a very important and respected place in the world of building services and server-side tools. JavaScript has evolved to a point where it is not only possible to create faster applications but also to run servers within browsers.
In this overview of her JavaScript Chapter in the 2021 Web Almanac, Nishu Goel dives deeply into HTTPArchive data on just how JavaScript is used in the real world.
Decorators: Stage 3 (Finally!)
Kristen Hewell Garrett, Lead Frontend Engineer Bitski, the NFT platform powering the Metaverse
Decorators have been one of the most anticipated new features in JavaScript for the better part of a _decade_ now. After a long haul and a lot of debate, they’ve finally advanced to Stage 3, and are moving toward being accepted in the language. In this talk, we’ll dig into the history of this proposal, discuss why it has been so difficult to design and fraught with setbacks, and check out how the latest iteration works in detail.
Increasing Array's immutable interface
Ashley Claymore, Software Engineer Bloomberg
The 'Change Array by Copy' TC39 proposal has reached stage 3. This talk will cover the benefits of the proposed methods and review the details that have gone into their design.
Refreshment break
Need a quick breather? Or why not share your thoughts with others attending? We'll be back soon.
Improve your Lighthouse score with Partytown
Adam Bradley, Director of Technology Builder.io
Today, even a static site is full of JavaScript to add menus, interactivity, and third-party analytics scripts such as Google Tag Manager, which can drastically lower your Lighthouse score. Partytown provides a way to improve performance scores by running third-party scripts from a web worker.
A JavaScript based site consists of two sources of slow down, the site itself and third-party scripts. Partytown is going to solve the the latter, by removing third party scripts from the main thread of your website.
The philosophy is that the main thread should be dedicated to your code, and any scripts that are not required to be in the critical path should be moved to a web worker. Main thread performance is, without question, more important than web worker thread performance.
Strength in weakness: JavaScript memory management and weak references
Dan Shappir, Performance Tech Lead Next Insurance
Garbage Collection (GC) in JavaScript is supposed to simplify and automate memory management. But it turns out that there are various scenarios where GC can get in the way, and avoiding resource leaks becomes challenging. In order to overcome such issues, the ECMAScript standard includes WeakMap and WeakSet. More recently, ES2021 introduced WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry for even more fine-grained control, and they are already supported by all modern browsers. In this presentation I explain what these are, why they're needed, and provide concrete usage examples and best practices.
Promises and Async/Await From the Ground Up
Valeri Karpov, Founder & CEO MeanIT
We all know promises and async/await are the official ways to write async code in JavaScript. But working with promises and async functions can be tricky. In this talk, I'll walk through promises and async/await from base principles, with an emphasis on effective mental models on topics ranging from "how do promises work?" to "does a given package support promises?
July 29th
- 11am Sydney
- 10am London
- 1pm New York
Typed JavaScript? For real? The “type annotations” proposal and what it’s all about
Gil Tayar, Senior Software Architect Roundforest
A major earthquake has hit TC39, the JavaScript standards committee. A proposal for adding type annotations to JavaScript has just landed in the committee, and has been approved for Stage 1. What is this proposal all about? How did it come to be? What is the motivation behind it? What are its pros and cons? Why are some people excited about it, some wary, some angry, and some afraid? As one of the writers of this proposal, I will delve into the details of the proposal, and try to answer all the questions above.
Function composition: What’s the big deal?
James Sinclair, Senior Developer Atlassian
People treat function composition with a great deal of respect in the functional programming community. But if you look at what function composition is, you might be left confused. After all, it’s not a complex idea. We take two functions and smush them together. What’s the big deal?
Even if you’re comfortable with composition, you’ll find people use many variations. In different libraries, you’ll find compose(), flow() and pipe() (sometimes with different names). What’s the difference? And what are they useful for?
Debugging Apps with JS Frameworks
Cecelia Martinez, Community Lead Replay
Developers spend up to half their time debugging software, but many don't have an effective process or understanding of debugging tools. JS frameworks add to debugging complexity. This talk outlines how to approach debugging apps built with JS frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. We'll discuss process, tools, and identifying common framework-related bugs.
Break time
Time for a quick break for a cup of coffee or tea. Chat to fellow attendees and speakers. Or visit one of our fantastic partners.
Writing universal modules for Deno, Node, and the browser
Luca Casonato, Engineer Deno Land Inc
This talk will walk you through writing a module in TypeScript that can be consumed by users of Deno, Node, and browsers. I will walk through how to set up formatting, linting, and testing in Deno, and then how to publish your module to deno.land/x and npm. I will also start out with a quick introduction on what Deno is
Multicore JS: Past, Present and Future
Ujjwal Sharma, Compilers Hacker Igalia
As JavaScript applications get more and more complex, improved performance is on everyone's minds. In the meantime, computers are evolving: CPU hardware is scaling with multi-core, big.LITTLE rather than frequency.
Where does JavaScript stand in this new world and how can it adapt? What role will WebAssembly play in this? What are the current tools and techniques developers can use to develop performant JavaScript applications and what is in store for the future? These are the few questions that we will answer in the course of this presentation.
Towards a stdlib for JavaScript Runtimes
James Snell, Systems Engineer CloudFlare
JavaScript is everywhere. There are JavaScript runtimes on the client, on the server, and at various locations between, and while TC-39 has provided us with a number of powerful built-in language features, modern applications on the Web require much more than just what the language gives us. The collection of Web Platform APIs that have been developed is continually growing, most of which only apply to the narrow sets of use cases in certain types of browser-based applications. But there is a subset of Web Platform APIs that are becoming ubiquitous across every JavaScript runtime. In this talk, I will introduce the JavaScript stdlib and the ongoing efforts to define it.
Session Details

JavaScript Surprises
Nishu Goel Web Engineer epilot GmbH
The speed and consistency at which the JavaScript language has evolved over the past years is tremendous. While in the past it was used primarily on the client side, it has taken a very important and respected place in the world of building services and server-side tools. JavaScript has evolved to a point where it is not only possible to create faster applications but also to run servers within browsers.
In this overview of her JavaScript Chapter in the 2021 Web Almanac, Nishu Goel dives deeply into HTTPArchive data on just how JavaScript is used in the real world.
Nishu Goel
Nishu Goel works with epilot GmbH on their micro-frontend architecture. She writes TypeScript and Golang at work with her focus on the performance aspects of the existing and upcoming codebases. She is the author of the book Angular Routing (BPB, 2019) and JavaScript chapter (Web Almanac, 2021). Recognised as a Google Developer Expert, and a Microsoft MVP, she loves to share her work at unravelweb.dev
Don't miss your chance to see Nishu Goel and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.
Tickets start at $195.
Session Details

Improve your Lighthouse score with Partytown
Adam Bradley Director of Technology Builder.io
Today, even a static site is full of JavaScript to add menus, interactivity, and third-party analytics scripts such as Google Tag Manager, which can drastically lower your Lighthouse score. Partytown provides a way to improve performance scores by running third-party scripts from a web worker.
A JavaScript based site consists of two sources of slow down, the site itself and third-party scripts. Partytown is going to solve the the latter, by removing third party scripts from the main thread of your website.
The philosophy is that the main thread should be dedicated to your code, and any scripts that are not required to be in the critical path should be moved to a web worker. Main thread performance is, without question, more important than web worker thread performance.
Adam Bradley
Adam is the Director of Technology at Builder.io, focused on pushing the web forward with innovative technologies such as Qwik and Partytown. Adam leads teams in developing high-performing user interfaces with the latest technologies.
Adam’s past roles include being the Director of Technology at Ionic, where he co-created the Ionic Framework and helped to develop CapacitorJS. Additionally, Adam created StencilJS, which is a toolchain for building reusable, scalable Design Systems. He is an open-source and web-standard enthusiast.
Don't miss your chance to see Adam Bradley and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.
Tickets start at $195.
Session Details

Function composition: What’s the big deal?
James Sinclair Senior Developer Atlassian
People treat function composition with a great deal of respect in the functional programming community. But if you look at what function composition is, you might be left confused. After all, it’s not a complex idea. We take two functions and smush them together. What’s the big deal?
Even if you’re comfortable with composition, you’ll find people use many variations. In different libraries, you’ll find compose(), flow() and pipe() (sometimes with different names). What’s the difference? And what are they useful for?
James Sinclair
James (@jrsinclair) is a Senior Developer with Atlassian. He works with JavaScript (in various flavours) on both the front and back-end. He's passionate about functional programming, and good software-engineering practice in general. Over the years he's worked on web projects for Ford Motor Company, Bendigo Bank, The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Monash University, and the Prime Minister of Australia. Somewhere along the way he picked up a PhD in Information Architecture but decided building stuff on the web was more fun than being an academic.
Don't miss your chance to see James Sinclair and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.
Tickets start at $195.
Session Details

Decorators: Stage 3 (Finally!)
Kristen Hewell Garrett Lead Frontend Engineer Bitski, the NFT platform powering the Metaverse
Decorators have been one of the most anticipated new features in JavaScript for the better part of a _decade_ now. After a long haul and a lot of debate, they’ve finally advanced to Stage 3, and are moving toward being accepted in the language. In this talk, we’ll dig into the history of this proposal, discuss why it has been so difficult to design and fraught with setbacks, and check out how the latest iteration works in detail.
Kristen Hewell Garrett
Chris has been a frontend developer for over 10 years, specializing in JavaScript frameworks and recently contributing to the language as the champion for Decorators. In his spare time, he works on pixel art and short stories, reads voraciously, and fancies himself an amateur chef.
Don't miss your chance to see Kristen Hewell Garrett and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.
Tickets start at $195.
Session Details

Increasing Array's immutable interface
Ashley Claymore Software Engineer Bloomberg
The 'Change Array by Copy' TC39 proposal has reached stage 3. This talk will cover the benefits of the proposed methods and review the details that have gone into their design.
Ashley Claymore
Ashley is a software engineer in the JavaScript infrastructure team at Bloomberg. He is also a Bloomberg TC39 delegate co-championing several proposals .
Don't miss your chance to see Ashley Claymore and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.
Tickets start at $195.
Session Details

Writing universal modules for Deno, Node, and the browser
Luca Casonato Engineer Deno Land Inc
This talk will walk you through writing a module in TypeScript that can be consumed by users of Deno, Node, and browsers. I will walk through how to set up formatting, linting, and testing in Deno, and then how to publish your module to deno.land/x and npm. I will also start out with a quick introduction on what Deno is
Luca Casonato
I'm a developer and open source enthusiast. I like Rust, Go, TypeScript, and fast websites. I work at the Deno company, building Deno and Deno Deploy, and serving as a delegate at TC39. I built fresh, deno-puppeteer, and a few other open source libraries. Probably reading some web spec right now.
Don't miss your chance to see Luca Casonato and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.
Tickets start at $195.
Session Details

Typed JavaScript? For real? The “type annotations” proposal and what it’s all about
Gil Tayar Senior Software Architect Roundforest
A major earthquake has hit TC39, the JavaScript standards committee. A proposal for adding type annotations to JavaScript has just landed in the committee, and has been approved for Stage 1. What is this proposal all about? How did it come to be? What is the motivation behind it? What are its pros and cons? Why are some people excited about it, some wary, some angry, and some afraid? As one of the writers of this proposal, I will delve into the details of the proposal, and try to answer all the questions above.
Gil Tayar
35 years of experience have not dulled the fascination Gil Tayar has with software development. His passion is distributed systems and figuring out how to scale development to big teams. Extreme modularity and testing are the main tools in his toolbelt, using them to combat the code spaghetti monster at companies like Wix, Applitools, and at his current job as software architect at Roundforest.
In his private life, he is a dad to two lovely kids (and a cat), an avid reader of Science Fiction, (he counts Samuel Delany, Robert Silverberg, and Robert Heinlein as favorites) and a passionate film buff. (Stanley Kubrick, Lars Von Trier, David Cronenberg, anybody?)
Unfortunately for him, he hasn’t answered the big question of his life—what’s better, static or dynamic languages? But he’s working on it.
Don't miss your chance to see Gil Tayar and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.
Tickets start at $195.
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Praise for past Web Directions events

Web Directions is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development.
Phil Whitehouse,
Innovation Lead DigitasLBi

I’ve been admiring the Web Directions events for years, and was honored to be part… What a fantastic event!
Ethan Marcotte,
inventor "responsive Web design"

Out of any conference, Web Directions is far and away our favourite
Dave Greiner,
founder Campaign Monitor
About Us
Co-founded and now run by John Allsopp, Web Directions has for nearly 20 years brought together leading developers, engineers, visual, IxD, UX and product designers, Art and Creative Directors, product managers indeed everyone involved in producing web and digital products to learn from one another, and the World's leading experts across this vast field.
We spend our lives thinking about what comes next, keeping up with trends in technology, practices and processes, and filtering the hype, to make sure you don't miss trends that matter, and don't waste time on hype that doesn't.
We promise attending one of our events will leave you significantly better versed in the challenges you face day to day, and in solutions for addressing them.

John Allsopp
John Allsopp has been working on the Web for nearly 30 years. He's been responsible for innovative developer tools such as Style Master, X-Ray and many more. He's spoken at numerous conferences around the World and delivered dozens of workshops in that time as well.
His writing includes two books, including Developing With Web Standards and countless articles and tutorials in print and online publications.
His "A Dao of Web Design" published in 2000 is cited by Ethan Marcotte as a key influence in the development of Responsive Web Design, who's acclaimed article in 2010 begins by quoting John in detail, and by Jeremy Keith as "a manifesto for anyone working on the Web".
Code of Conduct
For over a decade, we've worked hard to create inclusive, fun, inspring and safe events for the Web Industry.
As part of our commitment to these values, we've adopted a code of conduct for all involved: ourselves, our speakers, our partners and our audience.
If you have any concern or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.