Hui Jing Chen

Hui Jing Chen Developer Experience Engineer Interledger Foundation

The State of the Web Platform

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The State of the Web Platform

The foundations of the Web platform–JavaScript, browser APIs, CSS, have evolved tremendously in recent years. But how are developers using them 'in the wild?'.

The State of… surveys (CSS, JavaScript, React, HTML) have for years looked to take the pulse of the web from developers perspectives. Hui Jing Chen, who is heavily involved in the project will look at results from the most recent surveys, to help you benchmark where your technology stack is at and consider what technologies you should be adopting.

Hui Jing Chen

Hui Jing is a self-taught designer and developer living in Singapore, who loves CSS way more than the average web developer. With more than a decade of experience working on the web, her main focus is building performant and responsive frontend interfaces. And yes, Hui Jing is a two-word Chinese first name. She can often be found spanning routes in some local climbing gym.

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