Web Directions Global Scope 2021 All about JavaScript the language

Session Details

Nicolas B. Pierron

Principles of Just-In-Time compilers.

Nicolas B. Pierron Senior Software Engineer Mozilla

JavaScript gets faster as it executes! Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers are used in all major JavaScript engines to improve the speed, but how do they work? By understanding the principles of JIT compilation, web developers have the opportunity to optimize their code.

Nicolas B. Pierron

Nicolas B. Pierron is a compiler engineer at Mozilla since 2011. He joined Mozilla to work on the optimizing JIT compiler of SpiderMonkey. Since, he has worked on a large spectrum of tasks such as Range Analysis, Branch Pruning, Recover Instructions, Code Coverage, Macro Assembler, ARM64, Specter issues and Bytecode caching. Apart from Mozilla, you might know Nicolas from the NixOS operating system, where he implemented the Module system and Overlays.

Don't miss your chance to see Nicolas B. Pierron and many other inspiring speakers at Global Scope.

Tickets start at $145.

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a conference all about JavaScript the language

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