November 27th


9:00 am


Welcome to Web Directions Developer Summit for 2024.

1:50 pm
Portrait of Alex Lakatos

Interledger, a protocol for the future of money

Alex Lakatos CTO Interledger Foundation

Digital money has taken on a rather bad reputation of late, but what if the transfer money could be as frictionless, and inexpensive as the exchange of information enabled by the internet? Just as TCP/IP transformed the way information was exchanged, and drove the cost of that transfer inexorably lower, the interledger protocol, a W3C standard, aims to do that for payments and the transfer of value.

Already connecting traditionally unbanked communities into the world’s financial systems, the protocol opens opportunities for new business models and value exchange.

How might it transform what we do online and in the physical world?

  • interledger protocol
  • architecture
10:00 am

Coffee and more!

Need a quick breather? Or why not share your thoughts with others attending? We'll be back soon.

Front of the front End

React, & Back of the Front End


10:45 am
Portrait of Mandy Michael

Performance Driven HTML

Mandy Michael Lead Software Engineer Octopus Deploy

In this talk, we dive into the often underestimated power of HTML in shaping and improving the performance of our applications and websites. With the complexities of modern web development, performance often gets pushed to the back burner. But it doesn't have to! We'll look at how we can integrate performance into the earliest stages of development and lay a solid foundation for more performant applications.

Whether you’ve been writing HTML for 20 years or 2 years, you’ll leave this session with an understanding of how to leverage features such as resource hints and priority hints, explore the power of preload techniques and delve into strategies for improving image performance, minimizing the cumulative layout shift, and optimizing rendering efficiency.

We’ll do this all by using a technology we are already using day to day, but with a better understanding of how to leverage it more effectively! The end result will be an improved user experience and increased loading efficiency for your projects.

  • performance
  • HTML
  • Core Web Vitals
  • resource hints
  • priority hints
10:45 am
Portrait of Basarat Ali Syed

JavaScript Memory Leaks

Basarat Ali Syed Founder BooleanArt

JavaScript is garbage collected, but we can still get memory leaks. This session walks through what is and what isn’t collectable by the garbage collector. We also cover some easy fixes to ensure you don’t hold on to memory you don’t need anymore. Finally, we look at modern weak data structures that library authors can utilise to simplify internal memory management.

  • JavaScript
  • software engineering
  • memory management


11:20 am
Portrait of Zach Jensz

Native modals with the new popover API

Zach Jensz Web Developer Freelance

Elements that 'popover' the contents of a page–dialog boxes, tooltips, modals, menus, and notifications have always been a lot of work to get right. But with the new HTML popover element it's got a whole lot easier.

Learn all about what they offer and how to use them in this session.

  • browser APIs
  • popover
  • invokers
11:20 am
Portrait of Aliaksei (Lex) Kuncevic

Redefining Reactivity with Signals

Aliaksei (Lex) Kuncevic Founder Scale Tech

Signals, are reactive primitives for managing application state, increasingly found in programming languages and JavaScript frameworks.

In this session Lex Kuncevic covers their basic concepts and shows how they offer advantages over traditional state management and other reactive methods. We'll see practical examples demonstrating how Signals can simplify your code, improve performance, and how platforms like YouTube are already leveraging their power at scale.

And we’ll explore TC39’s efforts to standardise these concepts in ECMAScript, aiming for a more consistent experience across different frameworks and discover how frameworks like Angular, Solid, and Svelte use Signals, and learn how to apply these tools in your own projects.

  • JavaScript
  • software engineering
  • React
  • signals
  • patterns


11:55 am
Portrait of Alex Reardon

Crafting iconic automatic scrolling for Trello

Alex Reardon Principal Frontend Engineer Atlassian

In this talk Alex will share the creative engineering that has gone into enabling a powerful and delightful feeling automatic scrolling experience when dragging cards around in Trello.

  • Design Engineering
  • UI
  • browser APIs
11:55 am
Portrait of Nadia Makarevich

How React Compiler Performs on Real Code

Nadia Makarevich Writer, coder, author of Advanced React book DeveloperWay

The most talked-about news in the React community this year is probably the React Compiler. Everyone is looking forward to being saved from the re-render plague and never having to write useCallback/useMemo again.

But are we truly there yet? Can the React Compiler actually achieve those things? Do we need to do anything other than turning it on and enjoying a re-render-free life? I ran it on a few real-world apps to find the answer. Want to see the results?

In this talk, we’ll take a look at what the React Compiler is, what problems it solves, and how it performs on simple code examples and real-world applications.

  • React
  • React Compiler
  • Software Engineering
12:30 pm


Grab some lunch and connect with fellow attendees after an intense morning.

Front of the front End

React, & Back of the Front End


2:00 pm
Portrait of Phil Nash

How to work with generative AI in JavaScript

Phil Nash Developer relations engineer DataStax

The whole world is excited about generative AI, but how do we start to build with it? Do we need to learn linear algebra, machine learning, or even python?

It turns out that our existing knowledge and skills are still very much in demand. There are some terms and tools you need to understand, but it's not as big a jump as you think.

This talk is a roadmap for understanding GenAI as a developer and how to start building with it, from interacting with large language models to rendering output to the browser and everything you need to know in between.

  • JavaScript
  • generative AI
  • software engineering
2:00 pm
Portrait of Louis Stowasser

How we optimise component reuse at ABC

Louis Stowasser Engineering Manager of Web ABC

Reusing components leads to visual consistency, higher quality code and faster development yet it's so tempting to building from scratch. Explore the benefits and decisions to increase component reusability at ABC.

  • design systems
  • components
  • software engineering
  • architecture


2:35 pm
Portrait of Shivay Lamba

Decoding Search: Understanding Keyword, Semantic, Vector and Hybrid Approaches - What it means for JavaScript Developers

Shivay Lamba Developer Relations Engineer Couchbase

In this talk we’ll break down keyword, semantic, vector and hybrid search approaches, exploring how each method works, their advantages and disadvantages, and practical use cases.

The talk will break down what can be overly complex concepts into practical takeaways for our everyday work as JavaScript developers. By the end of the session you’ll have a better understanding of when and how to use different search techniques to optimize your user experience. Most importantly you will also learn how as a JavaScript developer we use can use these search techniques using open source tooling and libraries including some powerful search engines written in TS/JS.

  • JavaScript
  • search
  • software engineering
2:35 pm
Portrait of Kritiketan Sharma

The UI component library iceberg

Kritiketan Sharma Senior Software Engineer Shine Solutions Group

After duplicating enough React components, the pragmatic programmer decided to take matters into their own hands and started a React component library. What started as a noble venture is met with glares, budget constraints, maintenance challenges, and any number of other issues.

“The UI component library iceberg” takes us through the process of decision making involved in the early days of building a UI component library. We'll consider the reasons to build your own library, and maintaining and growing one, involving metrics tracking, developer advocacy, maintenance and more.

We'll uncover the hidden dangers like design systems, scalability challenges, and maintenance pitfalls lurking beneath the surface and provide practical strategies for steering clear of them.

  • React
  • design systems
  • architecture


3:00 pm
Portrait of Matt Colman

Building an AI team when no one knows anything about AI

Matt Colman Senior Engineering Manager Atlassian

We started a brand new AI team with 14 engineers that have never touched AI before! We started madly learning about AI, LLMs, top-k, temperature, ALL THESE NEW WORDS!

After 6 months, we’ve learned so much, we’re productive and it feels like we’re building something special.

I’ll describe how we quickly became productive, tips to give a large team focus, methodical thinking and some examples how we’re really all just problem solvers.

The audience will get a taste of what it’s like to start prompt engineering for the first time, how backwards it feels and how we can do better.

  • software engineering
  • architecture
  • generative AI
3:00 pm
Portrait of David Feng

States, Components and Libs management in Micro-Frontends

David Feng Lead Developer BGL Corporate Solutions

In the world of Micro-Frontends, managing states, sharing components, and handling libraries across multiple frontend applications can be a daunting task. This session will dive deep into the challenges and solutions for effective state, component, and library sharing and management in a Micro-Frontend architecture. Drawing from real-world experiences and best practices, we'll explore strategies for maintaining a consistent state across federated applications, ensuring seamless communication and data synchronization. Additionally, we'll consider techniques for sharing reusable components and libraries, enabling code reuse and fostering a more efficient development process.

By the end of this session, attendees will walk away with actionable strategies to effectively manage state, components, and libraries in their Micro-Frontend applications.

  • microfrontends
  • architecture
  • software engineering
3:30 pm

Afternoon coffee, tea and more

Catch your breath and get a coffee or tea and an afternoon pick me up

4:00 pm
Portrait of Jason Mayes

Web apps of the future with Web AI

Jason Mayes Web AI lead Google

Google's Web AI libraries and models reached over 1 billion downloads in the past 2 years - if you are a web developer and not yet using Web AI - you are missing out. Learn what's new with the state of Web AI at Google and discover Gen AI models you can run entirely client-side in the browser, along with new tooling and APIs for your company's next web app. We'll cover key updates from Chrome, TensorFlow.js, MediaPipe Web, Core ML, Visual Blocks - a new low code framework you can use to prototype faster on your team, and beyond.

  • JavaScript
  • browser APIs
  • large language models
  • generative AI
  • architecture
5:00 pm

Join us for a drink and great conversation to close the day. Great non-alcoholic options and food as well!

November 28th


9:00 am
Portrait of Miriam Suzanne

CSS Containers, What Do They Know?

Miriam Suzanne Co-Founder OddBird

A deep-dive into CSS container queries.

How did container queries go from ‘impossible’ to ‘shipping’ after so many years? How do we use them, and what hidden powers do they have? What are CSS containers, and what queries can they respond to? Let’s find out!

  • CSS
  • layout
  • containers
9:45 am
Portrait of Scott Jehl

Web Components Can’t Save Us. But you can!

Scott Jehl Software Engineer, Web Performance Team Squarespace

The largest companies in the world are making the transition to web components. A LOT is changing with the features surrounding web components and it can be dizzying to keep up. In this talk, Scott will dig into the technologies behind web components, discuss the many ways they're are being used on the web today, and what's ahead as well.

  • web components
  • design systems
10:30 am

Break time

Time for a quick break for a cup of coffee or tea. Chat to fellow attendees and speakers. Or visit one of our fantastic partners.

Front of the front End

React, & Back of the Front End

11:00 am

11:00 am
Portrait of Anton Ball


Anton Ball Dev Lead Doist

In this talk, Anton will explore the latest and most interesting CSS advancements coming to browsers, including CSS Layers, new selectors like the parent selectors (:has), new color functions, layout modes and more. These tools allow for more responsive design, simpler selectors, and better organisation of your CSS code.

Throughout the talk, you’ll see engaging examples that will help you pick up tips and best practices for incorporating these techniques into your work, as well as a little inspiration for what’s to come!

  • CSS
  • cascade layers
  • CSS architecture
11:00 am
Portrait of Mark Dalgleish

How React Router Became a Framework

Mark Dalgleish Staff Front End Developer Remix, Shopify

When Remix was first released in 2020, its goal was to provide framework-level features on top of React Router, simplifying server-side rendering, data fetching, state management and build tooling. Now, with the release of React Router v7, the entirety of Remix is getting merged back upstream into React Router. This is a huge step up for the React community since React Router powers roughly half of all React downloads. In this talk we'll take a look into how this happened and what this means for the future of React frameworks.

  • React
  • software engineering
  • architecture


11:35 am
Portrait of Elly Loel

View transitions in the real world

Elly Loel Accessible Web Designer/Developer Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

View transitions can significantly reduce cognitive load, offering users a smoother and more intuitive experience compared to static, abrupt changes. We'll explore the technical implementation of both same-document and cross-document view transitions, through many real world examples. We’ll also focus on best practices for ensuring accessibility and enhancing usability, leading to an overall improved experience.

  • View Transitions
  • design engineering
11:35 am
Portrait of Kai Malcolm

Reducing Latency is like Risk mitigation

Kai Malcolm Freelance Full Stack Developer

Web app performance is a constant battle as more and more complex apps become the norm. But all too frequently, we fall victim to silicon valley marketing that sells everything except actually making your app faster.

In this session, we look at how we can approach latency management has a hierarchy of strategies, each less effective than the last, creating a complete plan to build the most performant web apps possible.

  • performance
  • software engineering
  • architecture


12:10 pm
Portrait of Quynh-Chi Nguyen

Speculative Loading: The Future of Navigation

Quynh-Chi Nguyen Staff Software Engineer Stile Education

Speculation can be risky business, but it's worth taking risks for the rewards! With speculative loading, we can predict the future to guess what our users are going to do next, and preload resources to give them a speedier, smoother experience.

We'll discuss when you should and shouldn't use speculative loading, and how to choose what to preload. We'll explore what you can do right now across browsers to speed up your page loads and navigations, and take a look at Chrome's new Speculation Rules API and when to use it.

  • performance
  • software engineering
  • architecture
12:10 pm
Portrait of James Sinclair

The joy of recursion, immutable data, and pure functions: Making mazes with JavaScript

James Sinclair Senior Software Engineer

Generating mazes might not be something you do a lot in your typical front-end job. Some might call it a waste of time. Why bother if you’re not a game developer? Who needs that kind of thing?

Sure, it might not be essential, but it’s a lot of fun.

Building mazes also presents interesting real-world challenges. How do we deal with random numbers if we’re creating pure functions? How do we implement a repetitive algorithm without using loops? How do we work effectively with immutable data structures? And most importantly, can we have some fun while we’re at it?

  • JavaScript
  • software engineering
  • computer science
12:45 pm


Grab some lunch and connect with fellow attendees after an intense morning.

Front of the front End

React, & Back of the Front End


1:50 pm
Rebecca Monfries & Simon Wardan

Unlocking your internal tools

Rebecca Monfries & Simon Wardan Partner, Principal Engineer Terem

Are you tired of building internal capability platforms that no one uses? How about spending money on internal platforms that never get used because they don’t help your teams solve the problems they were built to solve?

Learn how to transform your internal capability platforms into assets that drive real business impact and that work FOR your teams.

Bec Monfries and Simon Wardan from Terem will explore the power of a product-led approach to boost adoption, streamline workflows, and make data-driven decisions. Discover how to build capabilities that will revolutionise your developer experience, provide essential framework and architecture changes and accelerate your productivity. Join us to unlock the full potential of your internal tools and empower your organization.

  • architecture
  • software engineering
  • design systems
1:50 pm
Portrait of Julian Burr

Let's Build Suspense 🥁

Julian Burr Senior Developer Askable

As the momentum of web development swings back towards the server, streaming is becoming increasingly popular. Specifically, out-of-order streaming with features like React Suspense — one of the magical powers behind Server Components.

Let's build our very own (simplified) version to explore how it works, what problems we are trying to solve, and what this future of web development looks like.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • server components
  • performance
  • React Suspense


2:25 pm
Portrait of David O'Reilly

Solve for one, extend to many: Inclusive Devices, Accessories, and Augmentations

David O'Reilly Lifecycle Marketing Manager Microsoft Clipchamp

It’s crucial for everyone to feel a sense of belonging when interacting with our products. That’s why inclusive design must be an ongoing part of our process. Disability isn’t merely a personal health condition; it’s a mismatch between our products and how users seek to interact with them. Designing with inclusivity in mind benefits not only those with permanent disabilities but also those with temporary or situational limitations. In some cases, inclusive designs go on to become an integral part of daily life.

In this discussion, we’ll explore inclusive designs that have transcended disability boundaries, innovative devices reshaping our interactions with computers, and perhaps even showcase a live demo

  • accessibility
  • design engineering
  • inclusive design
2:25 pm
Portrait of Erin Zimmer

Dependency Injection with React Context

Erin Zimmer Senior Engineer Atlassian

Dependency injection is a common software pattern, with clear benefits, including easier testing, and better reusability of code. While there are React dependency-injection libraries available, React doesn't provide a native implementation of this pattern. It does, however, provide useContext, which can be used to gain many of the benefits of dependency injection. Today, we're going to take a look at why you might want to use dependency injection, how you can go about doing it with useContext, and what the pros and cons are of this approach vs using a library.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • computer science
3:00 pm
Portrait of Benjamin Wirtz

How to sell framework and architecture changes to the business

Benjamin Wirtz Managing Director Scalable Leaders

It's easy to get excited about new frameworks and technologies. At least until we need to have those conversations with stakeholders outside of the Engineering team.

How can we make the case for complex and expensive changes that take engineers away from delivering new features for customers immediately? And how can Engineering gain more influence in organisations generally?

In this talk you will learn:

- Why engineers need to speak 'business'.

- What business stakeholders care about (beyond just revenue).

- How to build and defend the case for big engineering projects.

  • communication
  • leadership
3:30 pm

Coffee and more!

Need a quick breather? Or why not share your thoughts with others attending? We'll be back soon.

4:00 pm
Portrait of Maria Farrell

We Need To Rewild The Internet

Maria Farrell Writer and Speaker

Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon’s viral article, We Need to Rewild the Internet, set the stage for a whole new policy conversation about internet and web decentralisation in the US and Europe. But what does internet rewilding mean for technologists?

Chokepoints and tech monocultures create global digital fragility, as the Microsoft/Crowdstrike debacle showed all too well, but we have alternatives. We can make different, more resilient choices.

This informative and inspiring keynote works through Web layers, languages, organisations, technologies and applications to show that when it comes to regenerating a decent online habitat for us all to live and flourishing, ecologists have figured a lot of it out already.

  • inspiration

Find the conference pass for you

Attend Dev Summit by itself, or add our Next Conference or one of two rare workshops to the mix.

Special Pricing & Team Offers

Freelancers, juniors and not for profits save–see below for details

There's great bonuses for you and your organisation when you attend as a team

Dev Summit starts

Conferences Gold Pass



  • Dev Summit + Next in person attendance
  • Dev Summit + Next conference videos
  • Conffab Pro 12 months access


Workshops Gold Pass



  • Dev Summit + Workshop in person attendance
  • Dev Summit conference videos
  • Conffab Pro 12 months access


Dev Summit Silver Pass



  • Dev Summit in person attendance
  • Dev Summit conference videos
  • Conffab Pro 12 months access


Dev Summit Classic Pass



  • Dev Summit in person attendance
  • Dev Summit conference videos


Web Components Workshop



  • Web Components Demystified workshop with Scott Jehl
  • in person attendance


CSS Workshop



  • Cascading Style Systems workshop with Miriam Suzanne
  • in person attendance


Next Conference Pass



  • Next in person attendance
  • Next conference videos


Conffab Premium



  • Dev Summit + Next live streams
  • Dev Summit + Next conference videos
  • All live and on-demand content for 12 months


Dev Summit Streaming



  • Dev Summit live stream
  • Dev Summit conference videos


Next Streaming Pass



  • Next live stream
  • Next conference videos


What's included?

In person

In-person conferences and workshops are fully catered (morning and afternoon tea and lunch) including any dietary requrements. Our conferences feature amazing coffee (and more). Developer Summit and Next also feature a reception.


Streaming passes include access to the conference livestream on our very own platform Conffab, includiing live captioning and chat, access to the stream on demand after the event and to the conference videos when they become available.

Special Pricing

We know it's valuable to attend, to learn from our experts, and make connections in the industry. So, to make our events as affordable as possible, we have special pricing for a range of attendees.


If you're paying you're own way–contractor, freelance, consultant, independent–whatever you might call yourself use the code freelancedevsummit when you register, and pay just $995.



To encourage employers to send their juniors to help develop their capabilities, register them with the code juniordevsummit and you'll pay just $995


Not for profits

As a not for profit, register with the code nfpdevsummit, and pay just $995.


Partner with us

Keen to reach hundreds of the leading web engineers in the country? We bring them together in one place, fuel them with coffee and amazing talks and reignite their excitement.

We work closely with our partners and their technologies to deliver world leading online conferences. Contact us to talk more about how we work can work with you to help you be even more awesome.

About Us

Co-founded and now run by John Allsopp, Web Directions has for nearly 20 years brought together leading developers, engineers, visual, IxD, UX and product designers, Art and Creative Directors, product managers indeed everyone involved in producing web and digital products to learn from one another, and the World's leading experts across this vast field.

We spend our lives thinking about what comes next, keeping up with trends in technology, practices and processes, and filtering the hype, to make sure you don't miss trends that matter, and don't waste time on hype that doesn't.

We promise attending one of our events will leave you significantly better versed in the challenges you face day to day, and in solutions for addressing them.

vignettes from our events, social, speakers and more. Includes Hannah Donovan skylarking.

John Allsopp

John Allsopp has been working on the Web for nearly 30 years. He's been responsible for innovative developer tools such as Style Master, X-Ray and many more. He's spoken at numerous conferences around the World and delivered dozens of workshops in that time as well.

His writing includes two books, including Developing With Web Standards and countless articles and tutorials in print and online publications.

His "A Dao of Web Design" published in 2000 is cited by Ethan Marcotte as a key influence in the development of Responsive Web Design, who's acclaimed article in 2010 begins by quoting John in detail, and by Jeremy Keith as "a manifesto for anyone working on the Web".

Code of Conduct

For over a decade, we've worked hard to create inclusive, fun, inspring and safe events for the Web Industry.

As part of our commitment to these values, we've adopted a code of conduct for all involved: ourselves, our speakers, our partners and our audience.

If you have any concern or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.