Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Web Directions South 2009: Early bird pricing extended to July 9

Guess what: you’ve got just two weeks left to take advantage of early bird pricing for Web Directions South 2009.

Getting those training approvals through really is hard. We know this because every year we hear a familiar chorus from people who need just a bit more time to get everything in place before they can sign up for the conference. So we’re giving you an extra 10 days or so to get your registration in for what we know is going to be the event of the year for the Australian web industry.

You can now register before midnight on Friday July 9 to get to Web Directions South 2009 for the terrific price of just $795. Remember too, you don’t need to pay straight away – this can come at any time really. But you do need to get that registration in before the clock strikes 12 on the evening of July 12 if you are going to be part of this amazing couple of days in Sydney in October.

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[Web Directions] is a delicious mix of things educational, social and mind-blowing. It’s time out from the hurly-burly to step back, get some perspective, and develop new ways forward, fortified with a whole lot of new stuff in your head.

Chris Stephens Technology Director, Mozo