Unveiling our 2021 conference lineup
in March this year, the world looked very bleak for many people. And certainly very challenging for Web Directions after 15 years of holding in person events.
In response, we threw ourselves whole heartedly into taking our events online, to not just mimic the conventions and approaches of in-person events, but think deeply about what a conference can and should look like when it is online.
Our experience with Code://remote and Product://remote, and the incredible, enthusiastic response from our attendees, speakers and partners is hard to really put into words.
In March this year, like almost everyone I imagine, we hoped for as swift a return to how things had been. Now, we’ve really embraced the opportunity and possibility of online events–creating events which not only deliver great content but also allow attendees to connect, collaborate and converse no matter where they are in the world.
We’re announcing today, our plans for 2021. We’re really excited by the lineup, and we hope you are too. So read on for details and a special offer as a past attendee of our conferences.
We’ve got 5 online events planned in 2021, and (all going well) the return on our annual Summit, in Sydney to cap off the year.
All our online events will build on what we learned delivering Code://remote, and Product://remote this year (we’ll just be dropping the “://remote” part of the names). You’ll experience:
- High quality, tightly edited presentations, by World leading experts
- all transcribed, captioned annotated and more
- and delivered using our own unique “synched content” feature, that makes a presentation much more than just a video
- we don’t expect you to sit in front of your screen hour after hour, day after day–rather each conference takes place across 2 or 4 weeks, around 4 hours each week
- each session of each event will also take place across several time zones – no matter where you are in the world, you can watch it live with fellow attendees.
The 2021 Lineup
What’s on the menu for 2021? In 2021 we will be hosting these online events
Online April 2021
We love CSS at Web Directions, and have done since its very beginnings back in the mid 1990s. We believe CSS doesn’t get the respect and focus it deserves.
Hover aims to fix that. We’ve invited Hui Jing Chen, well known author and speaker on CSS and all things front end, and member of the W3C’s CSS working group to help curate an amazing event, to take place in April 2021, online, with a focus exclusively on CSS.
Lazy Load
Online May 2021
A conference all about frontend performance. Curated and MC’d by Henri Helvetica, we’ll cover everything you need to know to deliver performant, reliable, engaging front ends.
Global Scope
Online June 2021
A conference all about JavaScript, and only about JavaScript. Plenty of conferences cover JavaScript. And many other things. Global Scope focusses exclusively on JavaScript, the language.
Online September 2021
Since 2021 Code has focussed on JavaScript, CSS, performance, security and more. So what’s left to cover given we’ll be hosting Hover, Lazy Load and Global Scope? Code has always been about the Web Platform, and it will contain to be about that. New and powerful browser APIs, patterns and practices, emerging trends. There’s more than enough to keep us occupied as the Web continues to evolve.
November 2021
Web Direction’s focus has never been exclusively technology, and that tradition continues with Product. Our recently completed Product://remote conference drew praise from attendees and speakers alike. Product returns November 2021, with a dual focus on product design and product management and the intersection of these two disciplines.
Attend one, or all!
With an easily digestible format (shorter sessions spread out once a week over 2-4 weeks per event), and priced from just $145 (or attend all for just $595), for a fraction of the price–and almost none of the effort–of attending a traditional conference, you’ll get close to 50 hours of world class experts delivering highly relevant content.
Explore our 2020 events, then register today!
Great reading, every weekend.
We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday.