Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Code Leaders returns, Sydney, October 25th

đź—˝ What are the must-have skills of a great engineering leader?
🏆 How do you build a world class culture amongst engineers building digital products?

That’s what Code Leaders is all about!

Leading a team of engineers and product people can be daunting when it’s first thrust upon you.

It’s not an easy thing to get diverse groups of super smart people all rowing in the same direction!

But all those so-called soft skills are just skills that can be learned and practised.

Invest in yourself at Code Leaders and join a ready-made network of peers.


Balance in All Things – Chris Lienert
Confronting Difficult Conversations – Elle Meredith & Lachlan Hardy


Management Doesn’t Need Managers – Wai Ling Ko
Why Your Team Needs Juniors – Tracy Powell


Neurodiversity at work: helping neurodivergent people thrive – Jeremy Nagel
Embedding equality within your organisation’s culture – Fredy LiĂ©vano


Empowering High-Performing Distributed Teams – Marty Drill
How your architecture can inhibit or promote organisational change – Anthony Willis

Huge thanks to our curators and conversation leaders: Tanya Pelly, Warwick Pelly, Claire Tran & Craig Penfold

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

Learn more about us

Three days of talks, two of them in the engineering room. Web Directions you have broken my brain.

Cheryl Gledhill Product Manager, BlueChilli