Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Announcing Web Directions @media – London, June 8-11

In 2005, not long after WE04, the first conference we helped organise, well known UK web industry expert Patrick Griffiths, of HTML Dog fame, launched @media. An instant success, @media and Web Directions have always shared very similar DNA – a passion for the web, standards, accessibility and best practice, coupled with practical, real world content delivered by genuine experts (and much more) – and both have become focal points for the web design and development communities in their respective parts of the world.

As Patrick announced at @media09 in London last June, he’s decided to move on to a new industry, and new challenges, and Maxine and I were honoured to be able to take over the reins to continue the fine tradition of @media.

So, with real excitement, and perhaps a little trepidation, we’re announcing Web Directions @media for 2010. Our aim is to maintain the integrity, relevance, and quality of one of the world’s longest running and most highly respected conferences for web professionals, while bringing new life to the event. With our years of experience, and close ties with the web profession in the UK and beyond, we’re very confident of achieving that.

This year, for the first time, @media features two optional days of workshops, and the Web Directions Expo, which has been a great hit for some time at our conferences around the world. It will be fully catered, and feature opening and closing night networking events. And, to top it off, we’ve kept the price the same as 2008!

Two Tracks – for the Designer and Developer in you (or your team)

When it comes to Web Design and Development, one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why this year @media features both a design and development track, 20 sessions in total, covering the latest in web site and application design and development technologies and practices, with leading practitioners (not just talkers) from the UK and around the world. Every session is a deep dive into focussed subject areas, not just a high level overview which can often be the case. Couple this with amazing keynote speakers, and our independent editorial policy, and you’ll get 100% highly relevant, in-depth content, with no filler, or thinly veiled advertisements. See the program in detail here.

The speakers

This years speakers include

  • Steve Souders, Web performance guru at Google
  • Hannah Donovan, Creative Director at
  • Tom Hughes-Croucher, Senior Developer in Yahoo’s Open Strategy Group
  • Doug Schepers, Rich Web Clients Activity Lead at the W3C
  • Matt Biddulph, co-founder of Dopplr

and many others – all the details can be found here.

The sessions

With new versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera coming thick and fast, each implementing more and more of CSS3 and HTML5, not to mention developments with the mobile web, and new devices like the iPad, the rate of change web developers and designers must keep up with has once again increased dramatically. At Web Directions, we track these developments, and bring you leading practitioners to help you stay up to date. This year, @media sessions include

  • HTML5 for web designers
  • CSS3
  • HTML5 for Web application developers
  • Geo enabling your web sites and applications
  • Designing for the web with grid systems
  • Building native mobile apps with web technologies
  • improving your sites’ performance

and much more – 16 in depth session in total, plus 4 keynotes to begin and end each day.

Full session details can be found here.


For the first time in 2010, we’re also featuring an optional two days of in-depth workshops leading up the conference, lead by leading experts.

Social Events

At Web Directions, we know it’s not just fantastic content and speakers which make an event worthwhile – it’s also the connections you make, or continue with your peers from around the UK and the world. That’s why our events are always fully catered, so you don’t need to wander off to grab a bite to eat, and feature both an opening night reception, and closing night party.
The week of a Web Directions event also sees many other events taking place, giving you plenty of opportunity to connect with others in the industry. See what’s happening here.

The Deal

@media features some of the world’s leading web experts. It focusses on technologies and practices vital to today’s web professional. It’s fully catered, with social events galore. It’s conveniently located on London’s Millennium Mile in the heart of London. Surely it’s got to cost an arm and a leg? At Web Directions, we believe our conferences should be as accessible to the largest number of people possible, and so fix the price at “around a cup of coffee each working day of the year”. Until February 28, you can register at our early bird rate of just £449 +VAT (even less for past attendees). That’s the same price as 2008!

Full day workshops, also fully catered, are just £299 for conference attendees each, or £325 for others.

To register, visit the site.

Best conference ever

Find out why world renowned speakers have described Web Directions as “the best conference ever“, and why people come back to our events year after year. Keep June 10 and 11 clear in your diary, and fall in love with the web all over again at @media 2010.

Take advantage of the strong Euro

With the Euro so strong against the Pound, and cheap flights from all over Europe to London (most less than €100 return including taxes) and London hotels less than you might expect, why not take the opportunity to visit one of the world’s great tourist destinations, and attend one of the worlds great conferences at the same time. All for probably less than the price of many well known web conferences alone.

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

Learn more about us

Out of any conference, Web Directions is far and away our favourite

Dave Greiner Founder, Campaign Monitor