All Web Directions South 2008 slides and podcasts now online
Thanks to a huge effort by Guy, we now have all the slides and podcasts from WDS08 available at the site, which means it is officially “a wrap”.
Please spread the word about these resources: we make them available like this because we believe too much great content comes out of an event for it to be available exclusively to those with the time and money, not to mention the geographical proximity, to be in Sydney Australia in September. Podcasts and slides are obviously not the same as being there as you just don’t get all those a-ha moments that being part of a crowd can provide. But they are an excellent way to refresh your memory about the things you saw and heard, catch all those sessions you missed, and share a bit of the love with your colleagues who couldn’t be there at all. Enjoy!
One thing: some slides and podcasts are missing. We do our best to get just about everything up here at the site, but unfortunately it’s just not always possible to get clearance to use some of the materials delivered at the conference in this way.
- Jeffrey Veen – Designing our way through data
- Douglas Crockford – Ajax security
- Jina Bolton – Creating sexy stylesheets
- Lynne D Johnson – New media, new business
- Jeff Croft – Elegant web typography
- Daniel Burka – Changing successfully: adapting your interface over time
- August de los Reyes – Predicting the past
- Gabriel White – Sensing context in mobile design
- Mark Pesce – This, that and the other thing
- Michael(TM) Smith – A jungle cruise through the wild regions of HTML5 and surrounding territories
- Ruth Ellison – Integrating accessibility into design
- Myles Eftos – OAuth and OpenID, a developer’s guide
- Dmitry Baranovskiy – Start using web vector graphics today
- Kay Smoljak – Starting a successful web development business
- Diana Mounter – Custom vs CMS: don’t take sides
- Pete Ottery and Tim Lucas – Developing for iPhone
- Laurel Papworth – Monetising your online community
- David Peterson – Semantic web for distributed social networks
- Grant Young – Strategies for social media engagement
- Hurol Inan – Informing experience architecture with quantitative insights
- Myles Byrne – Internationalisation
- Nick Bolton – The evolution and commercialisation of online video
Great reading, every weekend.
We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday.