Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

1 Week Out from Transform 17

Well, we’re just one week away from our first conference of the year, Transform 17 in Canberra on 30 March. It looks like we’ll have pretty close to a full house – at last count, there were just a couple of dozen conference tickets still available.

The Workshop day with Dan Sheldon and Sarah Atkinson on 29 March is sold out, so it’s going to be a massive two days.

We’ve been particularly gratified at how many of last year’s attendees are joining us again this year.

 Who’s speaking at Transform 17?

The fact is, even since last year’s Transform conference, things have moved on in the world of transforming government service delivery, in some ways at a very hectic pace and affecting some very basic assumptions (see my recent article Transforming Policy and Delivery).

Wew’ve put together a line-up of speakers covering topics that will most directly and profoundly change the way we all look at government service delivery. The transformation continues, and Transform is there to help show the way forward.

Ben Holliday, UK DWP

Dan Sheldon, UK GDS

Ariel Kennan, NYC Mayor’s Office

Sarah Atkinson, Pragmateam

Stewart Hay, Intopia

Jenny Hunter, Head of Digital, BOM

Brian Dargan & Luke Hymers, Mentally Friendly

Catherine Thompson, DTA

Belinda Kellar, DSITI

Register to Transform 17


As Australia’s premier conference on digital service delivery in government, you will have access to practitioners and thought-leaders working in digital transformation from around the globe.

If you work in this area, the Transform conference is a major avenue of professional development for you.

You’ll find detailed descriptions of the schedule, the speakers and their presentations at the Transform website.


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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney