Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

“i like code/design/words” Ts now available from Molt:n

If you came to Web Directions South last year, or followed online, you would have trouble missing the fantastic t shirts our fine friends and great supporters over at Molt:n put together as give aways.

I like code t shirt as modelled by geek hunk Cam Adams
I like code t shirt as modelled by geek hunk Cam Adams

Well, you can now get your own (and they even have kids sizes) from their new online store.

Wear your passion for design, code or words with pride with one of these fine, really top quality shirts.

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Going to #wds18 has given me inspiration to attend more conferences. Meeting tech folks like myself and learning from each other is pretty amazing!

Hinesh Patel Ruby and React Developer