In a world where JS and SVG are taking over, it’s easy to forget the power of CSS. Luckily there are three powerful CSS items, each with a specific use, whose strengths are enhanced when used together. This is Mandy Michael’s short but powerful talk from Respond 17.
We’re going back to Respond 16 for our Video of the Week this week, when Sara Soueidan came to visit and delivered an inspiring, eye-opening keynote presentation on what can be done with CSS and SVG working together. It’s an excellent talk, and really needs no more introduction than that. Want more? Like […]
As we look forward to Web Directions Code 17 in Melbourne this August, our Video Ristretto this week harks back to last year’s conference, where Fiona Chan delivered her presentation CSS: Code Smell Sanitation. Fiona has long been a stalwart supporter of Web Directions – she’s one of our regular and indispensable production volunteers – […]
A hallmark of the relatively short history of web design and development has been the often very creative use of CSS elements meant to do one thing but made to serve some other purpose entirely. Some might find that surprising, given that this has all been invented fairly recently for specifically to design and build […]
One of the things we really like about staging conferences like Respond is that we can bring to Australia experts from around the world. Perhaps even better than that is when we can feature locals who are themselves world class in their fields. When it comes to CSS, we’re fortunate to have a thinker, practitioner […]
Respond started life as a “pop-up” single-day conference in Sydney, addressing the specific challenges associated with web design in the age of multi screens. Initially, the focus was very practical and revolved a lot around CSS – and specific responsive patterns – to do with images, navigation on small screens, accessibility on mobile devices, and so […]
Now that it has support in browsers like Chrome and Firefox, CSS Grid is being recognised as the gamechanger it is for front end designers and developers. That support has only come this month, but those who attended our Code 16 conference in July/August last year have been preparing for its advent ever since, thanks […]
Video Ristretto this week brings you Kevin Yank’s timely reminder to check the CSS you already know, including whether and how it works, and what’s coming soon in terms of both the spec and browser implementation. We asked Kevin, Front End Engineer at Culture Amp and regular contributor to Web Directions events over the years, […]
At Web Directions, we’ve long been excited about animation on the Web, particularly animated user interfaces and experiences. We’ve featured a significant number of presentations on the topic, including two stellar ones in 2015, at Web Directions Code and at Web Directions itself. Today we feature one of those, by the awesome Rachel Nabors, ‘The […]
This week’s feature video comes from our Respond conference last year (Respond 2016 is a couple of months off yet, with early bird pricing still available), a fantastic presentation from Yesenia Perez-Cruz (who since then has been turning up speaking all over the world!) on how the decisions designers (“just one more weight of this […]
A head-first dive into the past, present and future of all things variable in CSS. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.
The power of selectors is still a vastly under-utilised aspect of CSS after all this time. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.
This presentation covers a few lessons and guidelines to demystify the Z-dimension – what a stacking context is, how events are distributed, how transforms (3D & 2D) are handled by the browser, and how to untangle a vertical mess. And, as a bonus, how a better understanding of depth leads to higher-performing websites.
The web used to be for squares (and rectangles). The future of CSS is going to change all that. Instead of having to change your content for the web. See how CSS will make the web work for your content in any size or shape, using CSS Regions and Shapes.
Large, unmaintainable CSS code is a common problem for many websites. It is often neglected because things can still somehow work even when the CSS is really bad! But not only does this slow down performance, it also inhibits developers from producing quality code.But if you start your site with a solid foundation, developing a […]