Week 3 of our 2025 streak features articles, documentaries and bonus presentation videos on a range of topics for anyone working on the Web. From CSS features old and new, to a very engaging and watchable documentary on the origins of Node.JS, and much more. Remember if you’re keen to talk at one of our […]
Keeping up our 2025 posting streak (of now 2, but from little things…), here’s a roundup of some things we found this week we thought you might find valuable. Plenty of CSS and thoughts on architecting the Web, plus some AI for developers related articles as well, and more. Like what you see? Checkout our […]
A new (Gregorian) year has begun (while the Lunar New Year is still a couple of weeks off). I hope it has begin well with you. Since the last newsletter, I’ve posted dozens of ‘elsewheres’ over at Conffab–this newsletter usually rounds up some of the recent highlights, but you can find much more over there, […]
A new year has well and truly begun, and so it’s time to focus on programming our conferences for 2025. Well, we’re actually well under way on that, with speakers lining up for Code, Code Leaders, and Dev Summit, but we’d love to hear from you! Code (Melbourne June 12th and 13th) and Dev Summit […]
Tis the season of Advent Calendars–not the ones you open the little windows of to get a treat, but ones you visit each day in December to get a great article. I’m not sure exactly when they started, but they’re not a recent phenomenon. And they do however seem to be having something of a […]
This week marked the 2 year anniversary of the launch ChatGPT. It feels like much longer ago, and so recent. So much hype in so little time. And yet also so much promise. The challenge is separating those out. So perhaps it’s no surprise that this week or two my reading has included numerous articles […]
As we close in on Web Directions Dev Summit next week, here’s a roundup of valuable reading for all front end developers. Most of the articles below we’ll have sessions on at the conference–but I’ve not chosen these links for that reason–these are the things folks seem to be paying attention to right now. We’d love to […]
Recently two things that are very significant to me in quite different ways turned 20. At the very first conference I helped run, just over 20 years ago, Firefox was still in Beta. We gave a bunch of software to our audience that we thought they would benefit from on DVDs (it might have even […]
This week’s roundup of articles on web design and development we found interesting. What’s a Single-Page App? Source: What’s a Single-Page App? | jakelazaroff.com Jake Lazaroff goes deep into the question “What is a Single Page App?” The button element The button element is undoubtedly the most misunderstood and least utilized of all HTML. As […]
In the opening piece of this week’s roundup Sacha Greif, the organiser of the “State of” surveys (like the State of CSS, State of JavaScript) observes Let me make a prediction: we’ll look back at 2024 as the turning point between “CSS Classic” and “New CSS”. I think he’s right, but I think it’s more […]
This week in the newsletter with 5 weeks to Web Directions Dev Summit and Next, we’re rounding up a bunch of things we’ve taken notice of this week. Each week we read hundreds of articles, watch videos and listen to podcasts to bring you those we think you should be paying attention to. Hours of […]