Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Is AI a Silver Bullet?

Like previous attempts to find a silver bullet such as 4GLs, it does not seem likely that LLMs as a software authoring tool will be succeed. In particular, like 4GLs they suffer from the problem that because software spends most of its life in maintenance, the cost of change makes most improvements to the cost […]

What the hell is water?

Next week we’ll be announcing the program for our upcoming, brand new Next conference. It’s a project I’ve been thinking deeply about for many years, and am really excited for.  Here’s some of the thinking that has been going into that. What the hell is water? “There are two young fish swimming along and they happen to […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: The FrontEnd Treadmill

The FrontEnd Treadmill Marco Rogers, Senior Director of Architecture Mode I want to open by stating my biases. I’m a web guy. I’ve been bullish on the web for 20+ years, and I will continue to be. I think it is an extremely capable and unique platform for delivering software. And it has only gotten […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: Speculative Loading: The Future of Navigation

Speculative Loading: The Future of Navigation Quynh-Chi Nguyen, Staff Software Engineer Stile Education Speculation can be risky business, but it’s worth taking risks for the rewards! With speculative loading, we can predict the future to guess what our users are going to do next, and preload resources to give them a speedier, smoother experience. We’ll […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: CSS Containers, What Do They Know?

CSS Containers, What Do They Know? Miriam Suzanne, Co-Founder OddBird A deep-dive into CSS container queries. How did container queries go from ‘impossible’ to ‘shipping’ after so many years? How do we use them, and what hidden powers do they have? What are CSS containers, and what queries can they respond to? Let’s find out! […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: Building an AI team when no one knows anything about AI

Building an AI team when no one knows anything about AI Matt Colman, Senior Engineering Manager Atlassian We started a brand new AI team with 14 engineers that have never touched AI before! We started madly learning about AI, LLMs, top-k, temperature, ALL THESE NEW WORDS!After 6 months, we’ve learned so much, we’re productive and […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: Solve for one, extend to many: Inclusive Devices, Accessories, and Augmentations

Solve for one, extend to many: Inclusive Devices, Accessories, and Augmentations David O’Reilly, Lifecycle Marketing Manager Microsoft Clipchamp It’s crucial for everyone to feel a sense of belonging when interacting with our products. That’s why inclusive design must be an ongoing part of our process. Disability isn’t merely a personal health condition; it’s a mismatch […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: How to work with generative AI in JavaScript

How to work with generative AI in JavaScript Phil Nash, Developer relations engineer DataStax The whole world is excited about generative AI, but how do we start to build with it? Do we need to learn linear algebra, machine learning, or even python? It turns out that our existing knowledge and skills are still very […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: We Need To Rewild The Internet

We Need To Rewild The Internet Maria Farrell, Writer and Speaker The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists. About Maria Farrell A graduate of University College Dublin, the Dublin Institute of Technology and the London School of Economics, Maria Farrell worked in technology […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: How React Compiler Performs on Real Code

How React Compiler Performs on Real Code Nadia Makarevich, Writer, coder, author of Advanced React book DeveloperWay The most talked-about news in the React community this year is probably the React Compiler. Everyone is looking forward to being saved from the re-render plague and never having to write useCallback/useMemo again. But are we truly there […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: View transitions in the real world

View transitions in the real world Elly Loel, Accessible Web Designer/Developer Department of Employment and Workplace Relations View transitions can significantly reduce cognitive load, offering users a smoother and more intuitive experience compared to static, abrupt changes. We’ll explore the technical implementation of both same-document and cross-document view transitions, through many real world examples. We’ll […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: How we optimise component reuse at ABC

How we optimise component reuse at ABC Louis Stowasser, Engineering Manager of Web ABC Reusing components leads to visual consistency, higher quality code and faster development yet it’s so tempting to building from scratch. Explore the benefits and decisions to increase component reusability at ABC. About Louis Stowasser Louis is the Engineering Manager in charge […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: CSS:has​(.everything)

CSS:has​(.everything) Anton Ball, Dev Lead Doist In this talk, we will explore the latest and most interesting CSS advancements coming to browsers, including parent selectors (:has), container queries and view transitions. These tools allow for more responsive design, simpler selectors, and better organisation of your CSS code. Throughout the talk, you’ll see engaging examples that will […]

Dev Summit ’24 Session: JavaScript Memory Leaks

JavaScript Memory Leaks Basarat Ali Syed, Founder BooleanArt JavaScript is garbage collected, but we can still get memory leaks. This session walks through what is and what isn’t collectable by the garbage collector. We also cover some easy fixes to ensure you don’t hold on to memory you don’t need anymore. Finally, we look at […]

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