Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Node’s Personal Manservant – Jed Schmidt

Jed Schmidt introduces the two faces of NPM, the official node.js pack­age manager. See below for full session description and more resources.

Got a taste for it? Be there for the dev track at Web Directions South 2012.

This presentation was recorded at Web Directions Code in Melbourne on May 24 2012.

Session description

In just 30 months, node.js has gone from an obscure toy to the most watched development platform on GitHub. Once the next stable version ships, significant focus will move to improving the community-driven ecosystem of modules, making it easier to navigate and contribute.
In this talk, Jed will introduce the two faces of NPM, the official node.js pack­age man­ager: NPM the ecosystem, for finding existing modules and developing and publishing your own modules, and NPM the tool, for managing and streamlining node.js workflows for your own projects.


About Jed Scmidt

Jed Schmidt is a JavaScript developer based in Tokyo, and has been using node.js since just before its debut in 2009. He maintains a variety of opensource JavaScript libraries (including a DynamoDB client, Chrome extension packer, and OAuth2 login aggregator), and has built several fun projects on node.js, including, a tweet-sized code golfing contest, and Ramendan, a gruelling month-long test of ramen devotion.

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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney