Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Andy Clarke — Keynote: Hardboiled Web Design

Web Directions @media 2010, Southbank Centre London, June 11 9.10am.

Session description

Andy Clarke’s Hardboiled Web Design is an uncompromising look at how to make the most from modern design tools and browsers, up-to-date techniques and processes. In this practical, design focussed talk, Andy will discuss the ‘how’ as well as the ‘why’ and will challenge your preconceptions to help you make better work for the web.

Andy will demonstrate the most modern, forward-moving and sometimes experimental CSS techniques while emphasising why a forward looking approach to CSS will pay real dividends.

About Andy Clarke

Andy Clarke PortraitAndy Clarke has been called a lot of things since he started working on the web ten years ago. His ego likes words like “ambassador for CSS”, “industry prophet” and “inspiring”, but actually he is most proud that Jeffrey Zeldman once called him a “(triple talented) bastard”.

Andy took ten months of his life to write the best-selling Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design, but his passion is amazing web design. He loves designing for the web, writing about design, and teaching it at workshops and conferences all over the world.

Now he is pulling all of those passions together to create For A Beautiful Web, a unique series of web design master classes that cover topics including visual design and best-practice use of technologies.

Follow Andy on Twitter: @Malarkey

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Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney