Aaron Parecki – Geolocation
Web Directions Unplugged 2011, Seattle, May 13th 1:25pm.
- Audio recording of session
- Presentation slides
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- Session description
- About Aaron Parecki
Presentation slides
Session description
While location-based mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular, they are still relatively new. Special considerations need to be made for battery life and handling large data sets of geolocated data. The good news is there are many services and technologies you can use to assist you in building mobile location-based apps.
In this session, Aaron Parecki, co-founder of Geoloqi.com, shows you services you can leverage to do things like nearby business lookups, location-based triggers, nearest intersection queries, and more. Aaron also covers the location services available on the various mobile platforms as well as in HTML 5, and shares some insights on how to deal with battery life. The session concludes with some real-world use cases for real-time location such as turning on and off your lights in your house or notifying your boss if you’ll be late to work.
About Aaron Parecki

Follow Aaron on Twitter: @aaronpk
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