What Do You Know Brisbane wrap-up
Last Wednesday night John and I headed up to the warmer climes of Brisbane for another What Do You Know night. There was a big turnout, so thanks so much to everyone who made it along.
All the presenters did a fantastic job, even in “The Bermuda Triangle of AV” which is The Exchange Hotel, and they’ve all been kind enough to share some resources from their presentations.
First up was Carolyn King, who showed us how most presentations suck, and how to stop ours from doing so. Carolyn’s written her presentation up in a blog post so check it out.
Brandon Sheppard was on next, with an amusing and instructive presentation called “Rebuilding the Flanders House”, which used a great analogy for poor design of “putting the toilet in the kitchen”. You had to be there! He recommends checking out Retinart for great articles about serious design theory.
Before the break Anthony vander Hoorn showed us Glimpse, an open source diagnostics platform he is the creator of – well worth checking it out! And for a bit of fun, take a look at I Drink Lead Paint, this is where Anthony sourced all those images he used in his presentation (hint, you can too :)
Simon Elvery wowed us all with his choose your own adventure approach to responsive images. This really is cool. Instead of slides he built a mini-site that takes you through a series of decisions about responsive images, then presents you with some options at the end. Of course, it’s not comprehensive, but Simon’s Choose Your Own Adventure approach to selecting a responsive images technique is certainly a great place to start if you are trying to get your head around responsive images. There’s some more resources in his Responding to the Unknown blog post as well.
Closing out the night we had Luke Brooker, with more on responsive design with Inconsistent Consistencies.
Thanks again Brisbane and see you again soon!
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