Code Leaders 2019 Program launch
Now in its third year, we’ve lined up some fantastic speakers, with a range of presentations to help you lead your team and organisation better at Code Leaders. As always, it’s a single day conference, taking place in Melbourne June 19th, and designed for senior engineers, engineering managers, lead developers, CTOs and other engineering leaders.
Here’s a taste of what’s in store, but head over to the Code Leaders site for the full program.
Laurie Voss
JavaScript: who, what, where, why and next

While much of the focus of Code Leaders is on leading and managing teams, we also focus on aspects of technology that are vital to those roles. Laurie Voss is the CDO of NPM Inc., and will share insights from their deep understanding of the JavasScript ecosystem to help you keep up to date.
Virginia Murdoch
Communicating with Product Managers

With a strong background as a developer, and now Director of Product at Culture Amp, Virginia has a unique perspective on how engineering and product can best communicate to build great products.
Inga Pflaumer
Building up your juniors

A critical role of engineering leadership and management is to develop the capability of your teams. And this starts with the junior developers.
Inga will share her experience working with junior teams on building a product using Node.js and React, talk about some of their triumphs and failures.
Asim Hussain
Leading remote teams, in a centralised company

Microsoft is a famously centralised organisation, yet Asim leads a highly distributed team at Microsoft. He will share some insights and lessons about how he has to do things really differently to how he did previously when working in an office.
This only scratches the surface of local and international speakers you’ll find in the full program. We’ll cover being the nice guy with bad news, the myth of the senior engineer, manager READMEs, parenthood as an engineering leader, and more. All the details are at the site.
Code Leaders has sold out each year, so if you’re keen to come, start planning now!
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