Australia's Professional JavaScript & Front End Engineering Conference
Keeping up with the constantly evolving Web platform is a full time job. Let it be ours, and not yours. So you can get on with building faster, more secure, more scalable, more engaging Web products.
What is Code?
Code is two day, one track conference, featuring World leading experts in JavaScript and developing for the Web platform.
Produced by Web Directions, and curated by John Allsopp, we've got over a decade's experience in professional events for the Web industry, and John has over 20 years experience developing with, teaching and writing about Web technologies.
Topics in a nutshell
Code covers the technologies and practices you need to build fast, engaging, secure Web products.
Technologies like JavaScript, advanced CSS, and Web Platform APIs. Patterns and practices focussed on security, scalability and performance
Why Attend?
Think of Code as your once-a-year, supercharged refresher course on the current state of JavaScript, Web technologies and best practice in Front End Engineering.
What should you be focussing on right now? What's next? We bring the leading experts real world experts from around Australia and the World to share their insights and expertise and help you answer those questions.
Who's it for?
Code is for professionals and teams developing for the Web platform
- Front end developers and engineers
- Web developers
- engineering managers
- CTOs
If you build sophisticated stuff for the Web, Code will help you do it better.
Expert Speakers
Code, like all our events, will feature leading experts, with deep real-world experience from around the country and the World, delivered to your doorstep. It's carefully curated to ensure genuine value and relevance.
Speakers at this year's Code are helping to shape the Web's core technologies, and include those serving on the W3C's Technical Architecture Group, the IETF's HTTP Working group, ECMA's TC39 Committee for Standardising JavaScript, and the jQuery board of advisors.

Alex Russell, Google Chrome, W3C TAG
What comes next for the Web Platform?
What comes next for the Web Platform?
The Web has come a long way from the document focussed hypertext network it began life as. Almost from its beginning, developers have been pushing its capabilities, often in ingenious if not entirely safe ways.
In recent times, standards bodies and browser developers have been upping the pace in the development of the underlying technologies of our platform, and there's no one better to give us a sense of where we're at, and more importantly where these technologies are going than Alex Russell, who is part of both the W3C's Technical Architecture Group, and TC39, the committee standardizing JavaScript. Alex will set the scene for Code by asking "what comes next for the Web platform".

Alex Russell is a software engineer at Google working on Chrome, Blink and the broader web platform via standards. He's a member of TC39, the committee standardizing ECMAScript/JavaScript and on the W3C’s Technical Architecture Group where he works with a group of like-minded reformers to improve the state of layering and API design for the web.

Rachel Nabors
State of the Animation
State of the Animation
The post-Flash era is hardly free of animation. CSS animation is quickly becoming a cornerstone of user-friendly UI frameworks, and JavaScript libraries already exist to handle complex, interactive animations. And now there’s a new API coming to town specifically for web animations! In the wake of so much “CSS vs. JavaScript animation” infighting, you'll be introduced to the Web Animations API via the development styles and insights of four distinct groups of people: UI designers, interaction developers, library authors, and the browser teams implementing it.

Rachel Nabors is an interaction developer and award-winning cartoonist. She travels the world, speaking about web animation and giving workshops. Her articles on the topic have been published in Smashing Mag, A List Apart, 24 Ways, and Net Mag. When not biking around her home city of Portland, Oregon in the USA, she makes interactive comics at her company Tin Magpie and publishes Web Animation Weekly.

Alex Sexton, front end engineer, Stripe
Current best practice in Front End Ops
Current best practice in front end ops
Alex Sexton gave a name to that big part of our life that we Front-End folks didn't previously have a name for–Front-End Ops–the knowledge, techniques and practices we use to make faster Web sites and applications, monitor errors, and build and deploy our work.
But nearly two years on, and with developments like HTTP/2, what's the state of Front-End Ops? Who better to tell us than the guy who came up with the name in the first place?

Alex Sexton works for Stripe as a Product Engineer. He lives and works in Austin, TX where he runs the TXJS conference. He’s on the jQuery Board of Advisors, the Dojo Foundation Board, and the Modernizr team and is a big fan of contributing to open source. Alex wrote the article that coined the term “Front-End Ops” for Smashing Magazine in June of 2013, thus adding much credibility to his List of Coined Terms™.

Clark Pan
ES6 Symbols
ES6 Symbols, what they are and how to use them
With ES6 ratification coming in June this year, now would be a great time to look at some of the new language features. Symbols are a lesser talked about new language primitive that underpins some of the new metaprogramming capabilities of ES6. This talk will give you a brief overview of what they are, and how they might affect your code.

I'm a frontend web developer based in Sydney, and I enjoy food, gaming and generally being relaxed

Ben Teese
A Deep-Dive into ES6 Promises
A Deep-Dive into ES6 Promises
Promises are an awesome way to manage asynchronous code in both client and server-side Javascript. And now that native promises have landed in ES6, it’s a great time to get started if you haven’t used them before. That said, once you get beyond the basic concepts, it not always obvious what their full potential is.
In this talk we’ll dive deep into using ES6 promises. We’ll see how promise chaining and composition makes it easy to manage complex sequences of asynchronous operations. We’ll learn how to correctly handle exceptions with promises. Finally, we’ll talk about strategies for unit testing code that uses promises.
You’ll leave this presentation understanding how you can fully leverage ES6 promises to write asynchronous code that is easier to comprehend and reason about. Promises are here to stay, and once you’ve seen the light, you won’t want to go back.

Ben Teese is a senior software developer at Shine Technologies. He spent 10 years as a Java developer before getting into Rails and then Javascript.

James Hunter
Async and await
Async and await
A deep exploration of proposed es2016 (AKA ES7) async functions, their inner workings (generators, promises, iterables), and how they will make our systems easier to write and maintain.

James is a Senior front end developer at SitePoint.

Alex Mackey
JavaScript numbers
JavaScript numbers like you've never seen them before
Let's take a deep dive into JavaScript's number system to understand how numbers work in the world of js (and a number of other very popular programming languages). You'll learn what JavaScripts #1 most reported issue is, math related traps to watch out for and some awesome tips for working with numbers in your own applications.

Alex works as a Senior Developer for Xero . He has written a couple of books on .net, a course on WebGL for Pluralsight & runs the DDD Melbourne community conference. He enjoys caffeine, Crossfit & cat videos.

Andy Sharman
Classing up ES6
Classing up ES6
The what, why, when, where and how to of ES6 classes. What ES6 classes mean for JavaScript, but importantly the pros and cons of using them. And how you can use them today.

Head of front-end engineering at Yahoo7. Passionate about UX, Quality code and an unhealthy love for exercise

Jess Telford
Scope Chains & Closures
Stop the hand waving–Scope Chains & Closures
Scope Chains, Closures, Hoisting, and Garbage Collection all have one thing in common: They're often hand-waved away. How do closures actually work? When does Garbage Collection occur? What really IS the Scope Chain?
In this talk, we will discover it's not black magic after all; No hand waving is required to explain these language features, in fact you've been using them all along without realising.

A lover of JS, advocate of Bitcoin, hacker of ES6, and a constant learner, Jess recently returned from an eye opening year in Silicon Valley, bringing back the best of the tech scene to share what he's learned. Now the official "Javascript Guru" at, Jess has also been privileged enough to work with Yahoo!, The Iconic, and Groupon.

Kassandra Perch, Bocoup
Stop the Fanaticism–using the right tools for the job
Stop the Fanaticism–using the Right Tools for the Job
When a JavaScript project is defined, we face a seemingly endless number of choices – from frameworks, to module loading, to dependency management, to code style. There are at least 2 tools for every job, and a group of people willing to argue the merits of each one until they are blue in the face. Fanaticism runs rampant, and we've started to ask the wrong questions when faced with new tools and ways of solving problems. This talk examines the decisions we as developers make, the way we make them, and how we can make these decisions better. We'll talk about framework fanaticism, dealing with large teams, and protecting yourself once you've made your choices.

Kassandra Perch (Kas) is a software developer / educator / roboticist living in Austin, TX. She works for Bocoup teaching open web education courses.
Her language specialty is JavaScript, and she also works her way around C/C++, Python, Arduino, and HTML/CSS.
When she’s not working on software or robotics, Kas is either drawing, playing video games, or enjoying a good beer.

Mark Nottingham, Akamai, IETF
What does HTTP/2 mean for Front End Engineers?
What does HTTP/2 mean for Front End Engineers?
HTTP/2, the long awaited update to the Web's venerable transfer protocol is now complete, and indeed supported in some browsers and by some servers. But we Front End Engineers don't need to worry about all that low level stuff right? After all it just makes everything faster between the client and server.
Well, it's not quite that simple. In fact there are plenty of things you're likely doing right now, best practices for performance over the network like using sprites, domain sharding, concatentating files and the like that not only won't you have to do with HTTP/2, but which might actually make things worse.
In this presentation we'll learn from the chair of the IETF working group that developed HTTP/2, Mark Nottingham about what HTTP/2 brings, and what you should and shouldn't be doing to get the most performance benefit from it.

Mark Nottingham has helped develop the Web and its associated technologies for more than fifteen years.
Currently, he's Chair of the IETF HTTP Working Group and a member of the W3C Technical Architecture Group.
He currently works for Akamai, the world’s first, largest and best public Content Delivery Network.

Mark Dalgleish, SEEK, MelbJS
Dawn of the Progressive Single Page App
Dawn of the Progressive Single Page App
With the increasing popularity of single page applications, we've seemingly been forced to choose between progressive enhancement and rich, app-like experiences on the Web. Through the power of server-side JavaScript, we now have the ability to share our UI code between client and server, allowing us to get the best of both worlds by pre-rendering on the server. While extremely powerful, this technique only serves to highlight why progressive enhancement continues to be such a vital approach to web development.
After beginning with a refresher course in progressive enhancement, we'll cover the ways in which we can ensure our single page applications remain crawlable, accessible and resilient, even when JavaScript is completely disabled.

Mark Dalgleish is the lead organiser of MelbJS and Decompress, and a full-stack interaction craftsman at SEEK. Having got his start with HTML and UI design at a young age, he has since developed a love of software engineering, but always as a means to creating elegant, usable experiences.

Elijah Manor, Front End Developer
Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells
Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells
Have you ever written JavaScript that reeked, but you couldn't quite figure out why? Or have you written code and immediately knew that it wasn't good, but didn't know a better way?
Your JavaScript may pass stardard JSHint rules, but that doesn't mean it's legit.
"A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system" --Martin Fowler
Most developers can smell brittle and fragile code a mile away, but it takes time and training to combat against these smells. Code smells scream to be refactored.
In this session we will discuss various common smelly code snippets and discuss techniques on how we can eliminate and protect against their pungent odors creeping into your codebase.

Elijah Manor is a Christian and a family man. He works at Ramsey Solutions as a front-end web developer. He is a Microsoft Regional Director, Microsoft ASP.NET MVP, ASPInsider, IE userAgent, and a Pluralsight author. He enjoys blogging at and tweeting about the things he learns.

Domenic Denicola, Google
Async Frontiers in JavaScript
Async Frontiers in JavaScript
Slowly but surely, promises have spread throughout the JavaScript ecosystem, standardized by ES 2015 and embraced by the web platform. But the world of asynchronous programming contains more patterns than the simple single-valued async function call that promises represent. What about things like streams, observables, async iterators—or even just cancelable promises? How do they fit, both in the conceptual landscape and in your day-to-day programming?
For the last year, Domenic has been working to bring an implementation of I/O streams to the browser. Meanwhile, designs for a cancelable promise type (sometimes called "tasks") are starting to form, driven by the needs of web platform APIs. And TC39 has several proposals floating around for more general asynchronous iteration. We'll learn about these efforts and more, as Domenic guides us through the frontiers of popular libraries, language design, and web standards.

Domenic Denicola is a software engineer on the Google Chrome team. He enjoys running out slightly ahead of the current state-of-the-art in browser technology, coordinating, prototyping, and standardizing on tools and APIs for driving the web forward. Domenic serves on the Ecma TC39 committee in charge of standardizing JavaScript and is the editor of the Streams Standard; in his free time he contributes to the io.js and jsdom projects.

Chris Roberts, Expedia
Getting offline with the Service Worker
Getting offline with the Service Worker
As the web is increasingly accessible in more places, so is the fragility of the connection. In this presentation together we will learn about how to progressively enhance the delivery of content with the Service Worker API.
We will cover the notion of offline first as well as a take-away introduction to the Service Worker API through a practical example and demonstration of the code and tools you can use to create an offline experience for your users.

Chris Roberts is a full-stack engineer and office ping-pong champion at Expedia Brisbane. Working as an Engineering Manager he leads a team of developers passionate about the web and travel. He is inspired by the ever changing nature of the web and how it can be used to create an accessible experience for all users.

Simon Knox
Crossing The Streams
Crossing The Streams
Video and audio have become a fundamental part of the web, but for anything more than basic playback we typically need to invoke 3rd-party plugins, or ditch the browser and 'make an app'. The MediaStream API gives a sane interface for real-time media streaming in the browser, and can be used by most devices with a camera and a browser.
This talk gives a running start to using Streams, and some things to be aware of when adding audio or video input. Some thought will be given to future applications of audio and video input, to consider some of the powerful potential possibilities.

Simon is a frontend enthusiast at in Melbourne with strong feelings about native apps and flash plugins. He enjoys exploring the endless possibilities available in browsers, and looks forward to a more real-time web.

Jonathon Creenaune
Back to the future with Web Components
Back to the future with Web Components
Almost every web developer has heard of web components; some have played with them; and a handful are deploying them to production. This talk aims to teach you about using web components: why they're important, what's different about using web components compared to other MVC-style solutions, and what rough patches we've hit landing web components to millions of users.

Jonathon Creenaune is a dev manager / architect at Atlassian, working on design guidelines and frontend code that implements them. He gets super fired up about two things: pushing technology forward and backwards compatibility ... which frequently leads to him having arguments with himself.

Rhiana Heath
Pop-up Accessibility
Pop-up Accessibility
Modals and pop-ups can be a really useful tool for displaying additional information or getting users to enter information in a way that doesn't clutter up your screen. However as yet (one coming soon) there is no official HTML element that lets us display modals in a consistent way. As a result screen readers, such as JAWS and NVDA, have a hard time reading them resulting in a lot of pop-ups not being accessible to people with disabilities.
Today we will look at how to make a modal accessible for people who use screen readers. This uses a combination of ARIA attributes and hidden text to speak with the screen reader. As well as helping of JavaScript to help with some custom keyboard control. All while keeping a pleasing look and feel for all users using JavaScript and CSS.

Rhiana is a front end developer specialising in making web sites and applications accessible for people with disabilities. Combining her background in educational psychology and a love of computers.

Warwick Cox
Console dot
Console dot
Console.log is one of the simplest and easiest tools to use when you’re programming in JavaScript. Most of us see it as the hammer, and every problem with our code as a nail. The majority of problems we come across aren’t nails though, so we need to be using the right tool for the job. Luckily for us, the console API is full of handy tools that will help us develop faster and debug more efficiently.

Warwick is a hungry full-stack developer at Expedia in Brisbane. He has a passion for learning, pushing the limits and trying new things.

Simon Swain
Canvas Cold War
Canvas Cold War
Growing up in the '80s wasn't as cool as it's made out to be. As a teenager of that decade, we not only lacked any reasonable fashion sense, we lived under the constant shadow of nuclear oblivion. In hindsight, the arms race begat some huge advances in computing theory and practice, and since your average mobile phone is more powerful than that era's entire North American early warning system, makes a great target for simulation.
Cold War is an in-browser recreation of the nightmare that was the '80s, exploring emergent systems, the limits of Javascript performance, and some techniques that might actually be useful in your day job when you get back to civilization. Expect vector graphics, high altitude bombers, missiles, killer satellites and explosions. More than a few explosions. And unlike the '80s, lasers that actually work.

Simon spends most of his day using Javascript to design systems and human interfaces for real-time data. Based in Sydney, Australia he's come full circle back to his electronic engineering roots to work for a startup creating tiny but powerful wifi enabled modules that will be brains for the coming flood of internet connected devices. On the side Simon produces Techno, keeps obsessively fit and is still trying to work out Wing Chun.
Find the conference pass for you |
Gold Pass
Silver Pass
Classic Pass
Masterclass June 24 ?The DOM in Motion masterclass with Rachel Nabors |
Speaker Dinner June 25 ?Your chance for a casual, one on one chat with a speaker or two, over a great meal with your peers. |
Conference June 25–26
Videos |
Find the conference pass for you
Gold Pass
Speaker Dinner
- $1,699 Until June 25
Silver Pass
Speaker Dinner
- $1,299 Until June 12
- $1,399 Until June 25
Classic Pass
- $1,199 Until June 25
Masterclass: the DOM in Motion

On June 24th, the renowned Rachel Nabors will be presenting her Web Animation Masterclass, 'The DOM in Motion'. With animated user experiences moving from nice to have to a necessity, get up to speed with what's possible, and best practice to ensure high performance, 'jank-free' animation on even everyday mobile devices.
For best value, register for a Gold Ticket, which includes Conference pass, the Master Class, and a place at the speaker dinner.
You'll Learn
Animating DOM elements is crucial to developing interactive designs and interfaces, and CSS and the Web Animation API offer some of the most performant ways to animate today. This workshop gives attendees the future-facing tools they need to do just that. Rich with fun example code, demonstrations, and lectures, there’s a great mix here for people of all learning styles.
Required equipment and knowledge
This workshop is for Web Developers and Designers who use JavaScript. Bring your laptop to work along on the day.
Key take aways
- Mastery of CSS transitions and animations
- How performance and rendering are intertwined
- Stateful Animation with JavaScript
- The Web Animation API
- Time Objects
- Controlling playback
- Animation events
Code together
Teams get more
Sending a team of 5 or more to Code is now even more valuable. For the price of a classic ticket per team member, you'll get:
- A Silver pass for each attendee
- An invitation for each member to our exclusive speaker Dinner June 25th.
- A Device Lab Pro with Ghostlab license.
- A team license to all the past Code videos, as well as videos from Code 2015
Just use the code team when you register.
End of Financial Year?
We know Code comes right at the end of the financial year, so if you've got 2015 budget to spend, let us help you.
But if you're all out of 2015 budget, get in touch, we hopefully can make something work for you!
The venue
Code 2017 will be held in the ANZ Pavilion at the iconic Arts Centre Melbourne, right on the Yarra in Southbank.
ANZ Pavilion,
Arts Centre Melbourne,
100 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
Getting there:
With excellent public transport connections right outside, and Flinders Street Station right across the bridge, it's our best connected location yet.
We've lined up a fantastic rate of 10% off the right-next-door Mantra Southbank's best rate. Use the code webdirections when you book at the Mantra's site.
Check out Wotif and Airbnb as well
Attending Code 2015 is a whole lot more than what happens from 9–5, and Melbourne has countless great places to grab a drink or a meal at any hour of the night or day. Here's some of our favourite close by places.
About Us
Co-founded and now run by John Allsopp, Web Directions has for over a decade brought together leading developers, engineers, visual, IxD, UX and product designers, Art and Creative Directors, indeed everyone involved in producing web and digital products to learn from one another, and the World's leading experts across this vast field.
We spend our lives thinking about what comes next, keeping up with trends in technology, practices and processes, and filtering the hype, to make sure you don't miss trends that matter, and don't waste time on hype that doesn't.
We promise attending one of our events will leave you significantly better versed in the challenges you face day to day, and in solutions for addressing them.
John Allsopp
John Allsopp has been working on the Web for over 20 years. He's been responsible for innovative developer tools such as Style Master, X-Ray and many more. He's spoken at numerous conferences around the World and delivered dozens of workshops in that time as well.
His writing includes two books, including Developing With Web Standards and countless articles and tutorials in print and online publications.
His "A Dao of Web Design" published in 2000 is cited by Ethan Marcotte as a key influence in the development of Responsive Web Design, who's rightly acclaimed article in 2010 begins by quoting John in detail, and by Jeremy Keith as "a manifesto for anyone working on the Web".
At Web Directions we work closely with partners to help make our events even better. Sponsor our coffee, a juice bar, a reception or drinks, and start, or grow your relationship with Australia's leading Front End engineers and JavaScript developers
Contact us for more on how we work can work with you to help you be even more awesome.
Major Partners
Barista Coffee

Juice Bar
Closing Night Drinks
Happy Hour (and a half)

Community Partners

Code of Conduct
For over a decade, we've worked hard to create inclusive, fun, inspring and safe events for the Web Industry.
As part of our commitment to these values, we've adopted a code of conduct for all involved: ourselves, our speakers, our partners and our audience.
If you have any concern or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.