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Standards in email clients

I must admit I’m old school when it comes to email – I like it plain and vanilla. I read it and write it vanilla stylee. I use *this* for emphasis. But, that’s my taste and choice (OK, so I have been using email, I kid you not, since 1985). Many others love their stylish emails, both as designers, and as recipients. But if you think web designers have challenges with browsers, then you don’t even want to think about the email client landscape.

Now, the good folks at Freshview (the company behind MailBuild and Campaign Monitor) have decided to do something about it – calling for standards support in email clients.

Take a look at Dave Greiner’s detailed overview of what’s wrong, and what they think needs to be done, and if you are keen, let him know you’d be interested in lending a hand.

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Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney