Designers, start your engines – a Web Directions competition
For those coming to Web Directions, we’ve got some fun stuff planned. One of those is the use of various screens around the conference to show real time content from the audience (blog posts, photos and more) to see what others are saying, thinking and doing at Web Directions.
Right now, two of these little visualisation applications are online, one by the fantastic Dmitry Baranovskiy, which pulls in blog posts from technorati tagged “wds07”, and one by me (John Allsopp) (which ransacks lots of online examples and tutorials) to show the most recent photos at Flickr tagged “wds07”. (Due credit will be paid to all for inspiration and code once it is finally released).
But for now – here is your challenge. Take the apps HTML (you can do one or both), and give it some style. No rules, no limits (well, you have to use CSS, but apart from that, you can use Javascript effects, whatever takes your fancy.)
You’ve got until Friday September 14th to get your design to us (best if you email us a link to your version).
The winner of each (based on which one we like the best!) will be used for styling these apps during and after the conference, and there’ll also be really really really good prizes for the winners.
And, you don’t even have to be coming to the conference.
So, get designing! Can’t wait to see what people come up with.
Great reading, every weekend.
We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday.