If you went to one of our conferences in 2016, you will have seen Scroll. Some might think it unusual for a web / digital conference organiser to publish a print magazine. We think it fits. The thing is, we don’t see it as a binary option, either/or. This year, we’re publishing one Scroll magazine […]
This week’s Video Ristretto has the full title of Farewell Photoshop: Advanced CSS Image Techniques, which sums up presenter Jessica Claire Edwards’ contention at Respond 16 that it’s possible to do with CSS what could previously be achieved only with a sophisticated image editing program. Whether that means you can get rid of Photoshop altogether […]
You might have noticed a (significant) uptick in content from us in recent months – video, interviews, profiles, articles. Hopefully you’ve noticed Scroll and Wrap, our pre and post event publications. All of which are essentially due to Ricky Onsman. Ricky has been coming to our events, pretty much every one, since we started. Last […]
Our best Respond 17 Early Bird deals end this Friday. Something that often gets overlooked is how Early Bird prices can add great value to the upper end of ticket prices. For example, a Classic Pass to Respond at regular prices costs $1,199. A Gold Pass bought before 31 March (this Friday), costs $1,299. For […]
Those of us who work in Web and the digital arena don’t have to be reminded that our fields are constantly updating. Whether it’s underlying technologies, or broad strategic practices, what was cutting edge last year is often common practice this year, and out of date the next. Both in terms of our own professional […]
Respond is an event you won’t find anywhere else, bringing together as it does the whole front end team to address the challenge of delivering engaging customer experiences. This year, Respond 17 visits Sydney (4-5 May), Melbourne (8-9 May) and for the first time Brisbane (12 May), saving time and travel costs. We’ve extended Early […]
As the excitement builds for our Respond 17 conference (Early Bird closes 24 March), we have another Wrap magazine summary of a presentation from Respond 16. And not just any presentation. Russ Weakley is one of those Australians who has built an enviable global reputation as someone who not only has a comprehensive and detailed […]
With the full program for Respond 17 now out, this week’s Video Ristretto reprises the talk given by Wayne Thompson at our Direction conference in November last year, as he is again on the schedule for Respond. Once you see this talk, you’ll quickly see why we wanted to get Wayne back, this time in […]
This year we’re bringing not one, but two of our conferences, Respond and Code to Brisbane. We’re excited to be heading there, and hope the good folks north of the border are too!
This week’s feature video comes from our Respond conference last year (Respond 2016 is a couple of months off yet, with early bird pricing still available), a fantastic presentation from Yesenia Perez-Cruz (who since then has been turning up speaking all over the world!) on how the decisions designers (“just one more weight of this […]