Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

The Law of Least Power and Defunct StackOverflow Answers

Answer after answer on StackOverflow to questions about basic DOM APIs and common patterns would lead to the response “Well, in jQuery, you …”. And, of course, the questions end up being closed off at some point by moderators.

The thing is, a few years ago, jQuery was such a ubiquitous part of a developer’s toolkit that this seemed a perfectly reasonable approach. Who didn’t use jQuery?

Video Ristretto: Memory Management in V8 – Hadi Michael

Continuing the theme of performance from the Monday Wrap of Yoav’s talk – a theme that was quite evident at Code 16 and, not surprisingly, will feature again at Code 17 – our short video this week is of Hadi Michael’s talk from last year’s Code. Hadi is someone to keep your eye on. A […]

Rachel Nabors–The State of the Animation

At Web Directions, we’ve long been excited about animation on the Web, particularly animated user interfaces and experiences. We’ve featured a significant number of presentations on the topic, including two stellar ones in 2015, at Web Directions Code and at Web Directions itself. Today we feature one of those, by the awesome Rachel Nabors, ‘The […]

Ben Birch – JavaScript Generators

Introducing some of the new native data structures that are available in modern JavaScript And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Mark Dalgleish – this: Taking JavaScript out of Context

The ‘this’ keyword is one of the most perplexing aspects of JavaScript, but understanding function context needn’t be so intimidating. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

I Yield for Generators – video presentation by Adam Ahmed

ES6 is here and it’s bringing some awesome new features to Javascript. My favorite? Generator functions. No matter what kind of code you’re writing, from graphics processing to simple AJAX requests, generators are an excellent tool to make your code more performant and more maintainable at the same time. It’s a bold claim, but in […]

ECMAScript 6 – video presentation by Axel Rauschmayer

ECMAScript 6 is the next version of JavaScript (the current version is ECMAScript 5). It will be an official standard by the end of 2014, but there are tools that enable you to use it right now. This talk explains the goals for ECMAScript 6, how it is designed, what features it has, and how […]

Modularity Matters – Anna Gerber

Breaking software down into de-coupled, reusable modules is a key development practice that improves code reusability, maintainability, scalability and testability. But how do we apply this practice within web applications?This talk examines and compares existing approaches for developing modular JavaScript components and discusses best practices and patterns for developing and managing components, dependencies, packaging, delivery […]

Functional JavaScript – video presentation by Dhanji Prasanna

Functional programming, now gaining ground in the mainsteam, is a radical way of rethinking logic. By expressing computation in terms of simple mathematical relationships, and following simple discipline, you can vastly improve code correctness, modularity and reuse. In this session we explore how to apply these principles in everyday JavaScript, so you too can write […]

What’s ECMAScript 6 Good For? – Video presentation from Julio Cesar Ody

An introduction to ES6 with emphasis on its practical aspects. See what it can do for you today, and learn how you’ll be able to better structure client–side programs with this next step in the evolution of JavaScript. Like what you see? Want a piece of the action next time around? Then get along to […]

Wii Games with HTML5

For most of the history of what might loosely be termed computer games, dedicated consoles (and handheld gaming devices) ruled the roost. And none loomed larger on the landscape than Nintendo, with combined sales of hundreds of millions of units. The dominance of this handful of device makers (essentially Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft) meant that […]

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Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney