Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Tantek Çelik – The Once and Future IndieWeb

Silos like Twitter and Facebook pose huge challenges for the longevity, integrity, and ultimately ownership of the content we create. If you care about these things, you need to checkout the IndieWeb. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Alex Mackey – Harden Up Your Ajax

Some solutions for dealing with common Ajax related issues such as timeouts & loss of connectivity. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Ben Birch – JavaScript Generators

Introducing some of the new native data structures that are available in modern JavaScript And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Rod Vagg – Embrace the Asynchronous

Node.js takes asynchronous programming to a new level and has tracked the rise of new approaches to managing complex program flows. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Alex Feyerke – Offline First

Faster, more robust and more fun (web) apps. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Andrew Fisher – A Device API Safari

Let’s take a tour through the jungle that is the Device API spec and go looking for some new, interesting features of the API. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Jared Wyles – On Readable Code

It’s time to start talking about some of the established axioms of readability. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Mark Dalgleish – this: Taking JavaScript out of Context

The ‘this’ keyword is one of the most perplexing aspects of JavaScript, but understanding function context needn’t be so intimidating. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Satisfying Movements – video presentation by John Allsopp

Web based animation has arrived, and it’s time for you to start taking advantage of it to engage and delight your users. And in this session we’ll see how. We’ll cover CSS Transitions and Animations, and throw some 2D and 3D Transforms into the mix as well, to understand how today’s most common, and eye […]

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney