Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Alex Mackey – Harden Up Your Ajax

Some solutions for dealing with common Ajax related issues such as timeouts & loss of connectivity. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Rod Vagg – Embrace the Asynchronous

Node.js takes asynchronous programming to a new level and has tracked the rise of new approaches to managing complex program flows. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Jared Wyles – On Readable Code

It’s time to start talking about some of the established axioms of readability. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

Ben Schwarz – CSS Variables

A head-first dive into the past, present and future of all things variable in CSS. And if this floats your boat, you need to get along to the Engineering Track at Web Directions 2014.

A quest for responsive imagery – video presentation by Simon Elvery

This session will compare and contrast the common techniques used for implementing responsive imagery. Simon will shed some light on the compromises that developers might need to make and the circumstances under which they might be acceptable or even desirable. Also check out the Responding to the Unknown: Choose Your Own Adventure web site.

ECMAScript 6 – video presentation by Axel Rauschmayer

ECMAScript 6 is the next version of JavaScript (the current version is ECMAScript 5). It will be an official standard by the end of 2014, but there are tools that enable you to use it right now. This talk explains the goals for ECMAScript 6, how it is designed, what features it has, and how […]

Hack Yourself First – Troy Hunt

‘Hack Yourself First’ is all about developers building up cyber-offence skills and proactively seeking out security vulnerabilities in their own websites before an attacker does. It recognises that we have huge volumes of existing websites that haven’t gone through sufficient security review plus we continue to create new content that even when built with security […]

Oh No! Spaghetti Code! – video presentation by Fiona Chan

Large, unmaintainable CSS code is a common problem for many websites. It is often neglected because things can still somehow work even when the CSS is really bad! But not only does this slow down performance, it also inhibits developers from producing quality code.But if you start your site with a solid foundation, developing a […]

Modularity Matters – Anna Gerber

Breaking software down into de-coupled, reusable modules is a key development practice that improves code reusability, maintainability, scalability and testability. But how do we apply this practice within web applications?This talk examines and compares existing approaches for developing modular JavaScript components and discusses best practices and patterns for developing and managing components, dependencies, packaging, delivery […]

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney