Lea Verou – Mastering CSS3 gradients
Web Directions @media 2011, London, May 26th 10:45am.
Presentation slides
Session description
With most browsers adding increasing support, and the simplicity of providing fallbacks for those that don’t, CSS3 gradients are something we can start to use right now. They benefit our users with faster websites and ourselves with more time in our hands to spend in other things, since they are easy to create, edit and update. A very powerful feature that can also be utilized for a surprising number of design effects, even ones that don’t resemble gradients at all. In this talk, Lea will explore CSS3 gradients in great depth and it’s almost guaranteed that no matter your expertise level, you will walk out having learned new things.
About Lea Verou

Fed up with the lack of proper web development education in Greece, she co-organised a university course which teaches all aspects of modern, standards-based Web development, including CSS3, HTML5 and ES5 as regular parts of its content.
During her spare time, she blogs about CSS, JavaScript and web usability at leaverou.me.
Follow Lea on Twitter: @LeaVerou
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