Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Jeremy Keith – Hijax

A presentation given at Web Directions South, Sydney Australia, September 29 2006.

Presentation slides

The presentation slides for this talk are available here.

Session description

Hijax is all about applying progressive enhancement to Ajax. In the Hijax model, JavaScript isn’t used for advanced intensive processing. Instead, the XMLHttpRequest object acts like a dumb waiter, passing information backwards and forwards between the client and the server. By hijacking the regular functionality and replacing it with an enhanced Ajax version, you can be assured that your website will work with or without Ajax.

About Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith PortraitJeremy Keith is a web developer with the web consultancy firm Clearleft in Brighton, England where he enjoys building accessible, elegant websites using the troika of web standards: XHTML, CSS and the DOM. His online home is

Jeremy is a member of the Web Standards Project where he serves as joint leader of the DOM Scripting Task Force. He wrote the book DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model.

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Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney