Gordon Grace – More than raw: government data online
Web Directions South 2010, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, October 15 2.40pm.
Presentation slides
Session description
The USA and UK governments have made significant progress with linked, open data in recent months. Several fundamental datasets from the Australian Government are on the cusp of being exposed as meaningful, reusable, machine-readable assets, further driving the adoption of linked data within and around government.
Making better use of online data offerings using a combination of top-down policy and guidance, together with bottom-up development efforts from agency web teams, would seem to describe a sustainable, organic growth in linked government data.
Learn about the path to the first release of data.gov.au; a draft roadmap to future releases; the barriers to linked data and open public sector information (PSI); and the real-world questions this technology aims to solve.
About Gordon Grace
Gordon likes making attractive, useful things that matter to people. He’s some thing of a ‘plate spinner’, and likes to punish himself by taking on too many projects at once. Gordon can often be found prodding and lifting dirty great big IT systems over usability, accessibility and standards-compliance hurdles, gently preparing them for the hostile, unforgiving and unpredictable web.
Gordon lives in Canberra with his wife and two young children, who are rarely hostile, frequently forgiving, and always unpredictable.
Follow Gordon on Twitter: @gordongrace
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