Our online partner C|Net Builder
BuilderAU is the Australian edition of C|Net’s builder site, a rich source of developer news, information, training and resources, for the web, and a wide variety of technologies.
Builder.au has a strong commitment to local content, industry news, video interviews and more, and we are really proud that they are working with Web Directions to do speaker interviews, and covering the event for their site as our online partner.
Take a look at their excellent developer resources, some of their recent video interviews, and to keep abreast of industry development, you can subscribe to their news feeds.
Plus keep an eye on their site, as they’ll have conference tickets to give away over the next few weeks, and keep an eye out at the conference, as you might just get voxpopped.
Great reading, every weekend.
We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday.