What Do You Know – Brisbane
March 27 2014 was a top night out for Brisbane peeps who work on the web. It’s all over now, but you can catch all the slides and resources from the presentations in this blog post. Make sure you’re the first to hear about upcoming events by following @webdirections or signing up for our weekly newsletter, The Weekend Edition.
What Do You Know was brought to you by Web Directions Code 2014 and SilverStripe.
What Do You Know is an evening of lightning (strictly 5 minutes!) presentations for the whole web family. You can listen to anything for 5 minutes, and it’s a great way to keep a connection with all the other moving parts that go together to make the Web.
The state of payments on the web
Beer in the cloud with Node.js and OpenShift
Craft as in Beer
Narcissism and the web
Data is king
Always do the opposite of what Bart says
Generative design is awesome
Building an Open Web of Things
Building Hacker News with Sproute
Maps post-Google
Optimising for e-commerce
Great reading, every weekend.
We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday.