HTML5 Device Capability Tests

About the tests

Here are some tests to track how browsers and devices are supporting new HTML5 and related features at the intersection of the browser and the device. As such, we don't test for CSS, or markup feature support, JavaScript language features or performance.

A pass does not mean the browser supports the feature perfectly, merely that it claims to, by supporting the relevant DOM API.

There are no scores, this is not a ranking, rather, we capture the results, and you can see them all here on Google Docs. Let us know if you do anything cool with them!

Creative Commons License
Web Browser and Device Characteristics tests and collected data by Web Directions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Your Device

Your device claims to support the following features.

Offline Capabilities




Device Orientation and Motion

User Media

Experimental Device Features

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