Web Directions South 09 – Our best ever
Web Directions South is over for another year, and judging by the comments in person, in blogs, via email and of course via twitter, it would seem many think it is the best to date, something we’d have to agree with. Sometimes the stars seem to align – extraordinary presentations by truly amazing people, incredible contributions of art and technology by Yiying Lu, MOB (their AR collaboration with Yiying, and their fantastic now.webdirections.org application), Agency Rainford for their Tweeps aggregator and Flinklabs, for their ConceptLens Twitter visualizer for Web Directions related tweets.
There’ll be much more to write very soon (along with the winner of the trip to Web Directions East in Tokyo next month), and of course, podcasts and slides to come very soon.
A huge thanks to all who made this possible, and beyond that wonderful – speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and above all you who attended. A great event is all about the audience.
John Allsopp and Maxine Sherrin
Great reading, every weekend.
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