Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Web Directions Code wrap up and slides

The first ever Web Directions Code really could not have been better. It was so great to bring something new to Melbourne and for it to be an out of the box success, and to meet so many interested and active developers from across the street, across the ditch, and across the globe. Big thanks to everyone who was there, as well as all our speakers. Here’s a couple of nice write ups that have their own collections of resources and notes:

In a couple of weeks time we hope to have some videos online, so watch this space, but in the meantime I thought I’d also share with you all the links and resources from each of the presentations. Not the same as being there of course :)

Day 1: HTML5

Device APIs,closing the gap – Dave Johnson (@davejohnson)
HTML5 Messaging – Damon Oehlman (@damonoehlman)
Getting all touchy feely with the mobile web – Andrew Fisher (@ajfisher)
Implementing video conferencing in HTML5 – Silvia Pfeiffer (@silviapfeiffer)
The HTML5 History API, PushState or Bust! – Anson Parker (@anson)
Fantastic forms for mobile web – Tammy Butow (@tammybutow)
Drag and drop and give me twenty – Max Wheeler (@makenosound)
Getting off(line) – John Allsopp (@johnallsopp)
Designing in the browser – Divya Manian (@divya)

Day 2: JavaScript

JavaScript, Enter the Dragon – Dmitry Baranovskiy (@dmitrybaranovsk)
NPM, Node’s Personal Manservant – Jed Schmidt (@jedschmidt)
Truthiness, falsiness and other JavaScript gotchas – Anette Bergo (@anettebgo)
The main event, beyond event listeners – Damon Oehlman (@damonoehlman)
Getting closure – Mark Dalgleish (@markdalgleish)
Debugging secrets for the lazy developer – Ryan Seddon (@ryanseddon)
Party like it’s 1999, write JavaScript like it’s 2012 – Tony Milne (@tonymilne)




CommonJS and AMD

Clientside templates for reactive UI – Tim Oxley (@secoif)
HTML5 technologies and game development – Rob Hawkes (@robhawkes)

delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney