Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Video of the Week: The State of Front-End Testing – Alicia Sedlock

Alicia SedlockContinuing this week’s broad theme of maintaining your code and making sure it does what it’s supposed to do – preferably neither more nor less, our Video of the Week also comes from Code 16.

Alicia Sedlock took us into the world of code testing: unit testing, acceptance testing, code linting, visual regression testing – the kind of work we know we should do but perhaps shy away from or skip over lightly sometimes, because it all seems too hard.

The State of Front-End Testing pretty much dispels that myth, covering the breadth of testing strategies available and having the singular distinction of featuring a guest appearance from Alicia’s hedgehog, Mabel – perhaps the cutest guest at a Web Directions talk ever.


Got your ticket for 2017 yet?

For Code 17, we’re putting together a truly remarkable two-day program of international and local speakers digging into front end engineering and development, coming to Melbourne (only) on 3-4 August. Come and join us!


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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney