The Web Directions Dev Summit lineup
2024 is the 20th year we’ve run conferences for the Web industry. And while we’ll save the big celebrations for 2026 – the 20th anniversary of Web Directions, we’ve got some big changes for 2024–and an impressive lineup for our Developer Summit we’re announcing today.
We’ve decided to focus on our developer audience with what we’re calling our Developer Summit, taking place November 27th and 28th in Sydney (but if you’re a design or product person, don’t worry, we’ve got something brand new, an extra special conference Next, for you too).
After the last couple of year’s vast sprawling multi multi track events, we’ve also chosen a little more intimate venue this year, places will be at a premium–it’s not quite Taylor Swift level, but we’d recommend registering sooner rather than later.
But first, why not take a look at what all our hard work on the program has lined up for you.

From the back, to the front, of front end development
Dev Summit is two tracks, focussed on the full spectrum of front end engineering, from React, JavaScript and the back of the backend, to CSS, Design Systems, and font of the front end.
If you and your team work on the front end some of the time or all of the time–Developer Summit is your event.
What’s on the program?
We’ve spent the last several months hard at work on this program, ensuring that every single talk is authoritative, informative and above all relevant, and we’re incredibly excited to announce it today.
The big idea
Lenin said of history that “there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”. And while weeks may be a little bit of an exaggeration, after a stable era, it does seem like we might be entering period of significant change for the Web platform.
The Developer Summit program will address the big trends in architecture and the specific technologies driving them helping your team stay ahead.
Marco Rogers will start a frank conversation about the frontend treadmill, and how we might start getting off of it.
The legendary Scott Jehl clues us in on the Web Components Revolution, digging into the technologies behind web components, discussing the many ways they’re are being used on the web today, and what’s ahead as well. Scott will also host an exclusive one day workshop on Web Components the day after Developer Summit.
Miriam Suzanne will help you understand the profound implications of CSS Containers, the most transformative change in Web layout since Responsive Design in 2010. And there is literally no one better to do so, Miriam is the co-author of the W3C CSS Containers spec (among others). Annnnd…. if you need to dive even deeper we’re hosting a workshop by Miriam on the day after Dev Summit, Cascading Style Systems, on resilient & maintainable CSS covering containers, new CSS selectors, cascade layers and so much more. Supercharge your team’s CSS capabilities there.
But there’s more front of the frontend content as well, with our favourite new web feature View Transitions from Elle Loel, our other favourite new API, the popover API with Zach Jensz, a comprehensive overview of (almost) everything new in CSS with Anton Ball, front end performance techniques from Mandy Michael, and a deep dive into techniques for smooth, sophisticated front end interactions by Alex Reardon, plus there’s more to come as well.
For you React and JS folks, well we have you covered too! Nadia Makarevich
author of “Advanced React” gets under the hood of the React Compiler, local legend Basarat Ali Syed helps us discover and prevent JavaScript memory leaks, Alexei Kuncevichelps you get your head around Signals, reactive primitives for managing application state and James Sinclair will explore recursion, immutable data, and pure functions in JavaScript
This is just some of what is already on the program with more to be announced soon.
So in short, if you or your team work on the front end, and need to keep up with developments in technologies, patterns and practices in front end development, we challenge you to find a better conference anywhere in the world. Go on, we’re waiting…..
Great reading, every weekend.
We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday.