State of the Web Survey for 2010
In late 2008, we did our first comprehensive State of the Web survey, with well over a thousand respondents from all over the world answering. The aim was to capture a snapshot of the technologies and importantly practices and philosophies of professional web designers and developers. We published the detailed report from this survey about a year ago.
We’re now running the next installment of the report. Many of last years questions have been kept, and some refined based on feedback. We’ve also added some new questions, given the rise of HTML5, CSS3, cloud computing and other developments in the last 12 months (yes, all these were around 12 months ago, but have become far more significant in the meantime).
If you have a few minutes, please do take the time to complete the survey, and help track developments. As an encouragement, everyone who completes the survey gets a PDF copy of the first and second editions of Scroll Magazine. Plus there’s plenty of prizes we’ll give away at random, including a ticket to a Web Directions conference of the winner’s choice (sadly, they’ll have to get themselves to the event).
The survey runs until Feb 28th, so do take the survey if possible, and we’ll be posting the results and a report not too long after that.
Great reading, every weekend.
We round up the best writing about the web and send it your way each Friday.