Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

Rachel Nabors–The State of the Animation

At Web Directions, we’ve long been excited about animation on the Web, particularly animated user interfaces and experiences. We’ve featured a significant number of presentations on the topic, including two stellar ones in 2015, at Web Directions Code and at Web Directions itself.

Today we feature one of those, by the awesome Rachel Nabors, ‘The State of the Animation’, from our front end engineering conference Code in 2015 (which is back in Sydney and Melbourne in July/August 2016). But, it’s far more than just about the code, and relevant right across the team.

So, set aside your lunch hour or some time on your commute or at the weekend to get your head around where animation is at right now on the Web.

Interested in more like this? Our Respond Web Design conference is coming up in Sydney and Melbourne in April.

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delivering year round learning for front end and full stack professionals

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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney