Year round learning for product, design and engineering professionals

@media approaches – along with many web related events

We’re gearing up for our first @media filling the huge shoes left by founder Patrick Griffiths, and things are shaping up really well.

But @media’s not the only thing on next week. The excellent folks at London Web Standards are holding HTML5 and Flash, where are they now?, yet another fine free event from the LWS crew, with a few places left (but hurry as they’ll be gone soon.) That’s Monday the 7th.

@media workshops kick off the next morning, with two days covering HTML5, CSS3, Microformats, and much more, followed by @media Thursday and Friday.

Then, if you’re still game for more web content, Standards.Next will be talking all things mobile web and widgets Saturday the 12th of June, 1pm to 4pm at the Bricklayers Arms, just near Tottenham Court Road station. And it’s free as well!

So a might week of webbiness awaits, whether you’re coming to @media, or not. See you there!

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Web Directions South is the must-attend event of the year for anyone serious about web development

Phil Whitehouse General Manager, DT Sydney